
LinkedIn & Networking Tips for Lawyers: Q&A With Nick Manty, Marketing Manager at Barnes & Thornburg
The NBI Team
Thu, May 13, 2021
LinkedIn & Networking Tips for Lawyers: Q&A With Nick Manty, Marketing Manager at Barnes & Thornburg

Whether you’re a seasoned litigator, or a recent graduate trying to get your foot in the door, networking can feel...

How to Get the Job: What New Attorneys Need to Know [FREE Course]
The NBI Team
Tue, Apr 20, 2021
How to Get the Job: What New Attorneys Need to Know [FREE Course]

Charting any legal job search can be incredibly stressful, even in...

Reducing Stress and Boosting Attorney Well-Being: Q&A with Danielle Hall, Executive Director, KALAP
The NBI Team
Tue, Mar 16, 2021
Reducing Stress and Boosting Attorney Well-Being: Q&A with Danielle Hall, Executive Director, KALAP

Building resilience is a key step to dealing with uncertainty and anxiety about...

NALP Foundation & NBI Study: Q&A with Fiona Trevelyan Hornblower, President & CEO of NALP Foundation
The NBI Team
Thu, Mar 04, 2021
NALP Foundation & NBI Study: Q&A with Fiona Trevelyan Hornblower, President & CEO of NALP Foundation

For US law firms, the effects of COVID-19 impacted much more than staffing, operations, and...

How Pro Bono and DEI Work Hand-in-Hand
Bruce Buchanan
Thu, Feb 18, 2021
How Pro Bono and DEI Work Hand-in-Hand

The intersection between DEI (diversity, equality and inclusion) and pro bono is a natural...

Is Practicing Remotely From a Different State Okay?
The NBI Team
Thu, Jan 07, 2021
Is Practicing Remotely From a Different State Okay?

AS COVID-19 has reshaped the face of the legal field, attorneys and judges across the country have...

Top 8 Legal Job Search Websites
The NBI Team
Tue, Nov 24, 2020
Top 8 Legal Job Search Websites

Like in most professions, the internet has revolutionized the way attorneys find, apply, and even interview for jobs. There are countless online tools available...

NBI Announces New Medical-Legal CLE Programming in Partnership With Elite Medical Experts
The NBI Team
Thu, Nov 12, 2020
NBI Announces New Medical-Legal CLE Programming in Partnership With Elite Medical Experts

In partnership with thought leaders at Elite Medical Experts, NBI is thrilled to announce...


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