Delaware CLE Requirements

Required Delaware CLE Credits

24.00 Total Credit Hours


2 Years

4.00 Ethics

A minimum of 12.00 credit hours must be taken as live in-person programs.

A maximum of 12.00 credit hours may be taken as eCLE programs.

Delaware CLE Reporting Deadlines

Deadline to complete CLEs: December 31

Reporting deadline: March 1 of the following year (verification year)

Reporting period: 2 years

NBI reports your credit to the Delaware Commission on Continuing Legal Education.


How many CLE credits do you need in Delaware, and what types of CLE credit do you need?

In Delaware, active status attorneys must complete 24.00 CLE credits (including 4.00 ethics) every 2 years to maintain good standing with the Delaware State Bar.

Ethics refers to legal and judicial ethics. For purposes of ethics, courses may include professionalism (defined as a dedication to ethics, civility, skill, businesslike practices) and a focus on service (which encompasses obligations to other attorneys, to legal institutions, and to the public).

When is the Delaware CLE reporting deadline?

Delaware attorneys must complete all 24.00 required credits by December 31 in their reporting year. Attorneys must verify the accuracy of their CLE Transcript by March 1 of their verification year.

How long is the Delaware CLE compliance period, and when does it end?

The reporting period is 2 years and ends on December 31. If you were admitted to the Delaware State Bar in an even-numbered year, your compliance period ends in even-numbered years. If you were admitted in an odd-numbered year, your compliance period ends in odd-numbered years. Note that you will verify your CLEs in the year following the year that you are required to complete your CLE credits.

How do I report my Delaware CLE credits?

NBI reports your credit to the Delaware Commission on Continuing Legal Education.

At the end of your compliance period you are responsible for reviewing and verifying the accuracy of your transcript on the Delaware Supreme Court website.

How can Experienced Delaware Attorneys fulfill the Delaware CLE requirements in compliance with format of delivery regulations?

Experienced attorneys can fulfill their Delaware CLE requirement by completing courses approved and accredited by the Delaware Commission on Continuing Legal Education. Examples of accepted course formats include:

Live CLE (Minimum 12.00 Hours)

eCLE (Maximum 12.00 Hours)

  • Online Seminars
  • Video Teleconference
  • Telephone Seminar or Audio Broadcast
How many Delaware CLE credits can I carry over?

If you earn more than 24.00 CLE credits in your compliance period, you may carry over 20.00 CLE credits to the next 2-year compliance period. Ethics may be carried over as general CLE credits only.

How many Delaware CLE credits can I earn with eCLE courses?

You must complete at least 12.00 CLE credits from in-person, live courses. You may earn up to 12.00 with eCLE courses.

Is in-program attendance verification required to receive Delaware CLE credit?

No. In-program attendance verification is not required.

Additional CLE resources for Delaware attorneys
  • State Contact Information:

Are you newly admitted to the Delaware State Bar? Here’s what you need to know:

What are the Delaware CLE requirements for newly admitted attorneys?

Newly admitted attorneys in Delaware begin their CLE compliance period on January 1 following the date they are admitted to the Delaware State Bar. New attorneys must complete specific fundamentals courses within 2 years after their first compliance period begins.

How can Delaware Newly Admitted Attorneys Fulfill Their CLE Requirements?

Newly admitted attorneys in Delaware begin their CLE compliance period on January 1 following the date they are admitted to the Delaware State Bar. The following formats fulfill compliance period requirements:

Live CLE (Minimum 12.00 Hours)

eCLE (Maximum 12.00 Hours)

Can I carry over credits I completed during my year of admission to the Delaware State Bar?

Yes. If you complete approved CLE credits after your admission to the Delaware State Bar and before December 31 of that year, you may carry over up to 20.00 of those credits to your first compliance year.

When does my first reporting period for Delaware end?

Your first CLE reporting period begins on January 1 following your admission to the Delaware State Bar and ends on December 31 at the end of the second full calendar year after your admission.

Are there any special credit requirements for new attorneys in Delaware?

Yes. Within two years of January 1 following your admission to the Delaware Bar, you must complete all of the following courses:

  1. Fundamentals of Lawyer-Client Relations
  2. Fundamentals of Family Law
  3. Fundamentals of Real Estate
  4. Fundamentals of Civil Litigation
  5. Fundamentals of Will Drafting and Estate Administration
  6. Fundamentals of Law Practice Management and Technology
  7. Fundamentals of Criminal Law and Procedure

Only fundamentals courses offered by the Delaware State Bar Association are eligible for approval for this requirement. Attendance at these courses will be credited towards your minimum CLE requirement.

Who is considered an experienced attorney in Delaware?

An attorney who has completed the first two compliance periods is considered an experienced attorney in Delaware.

Who is considered a newly admitted attorney in Delaware?

An attorney who has yet to complete the first two compliance periods is considered a newly admitted attorney in Delaware.