2024 Year-End CLE Requirements

  • 2024 Year-End CLE Requirements
  • 2024 Year-End CLE Requirements
  • 2024 Year-End CLE Requirements
NBI Team
2024 Year-End CLE Requirements

This year’s largest CLE deadline is approaching! By the end of December, attorneys in 24 States must fulfill their CLE credit requirements. These requirements vary by State in terms of how many CLE credits are needed, and how many can be carried over.

If you believe your CLE reporting deadline is upcoming, check this list. Here’s what you need to know.

Alabama Continuing Legal Education Requirements

To maintain compliance, Alabama attorneys must complete 12 CLE credits every year. One of these credits must be ethics. A minimum of 6 credit hours must be taken as live in-person programs or live online programs. A maximum of 6 credit hours may be taken as OnDemand programs.

  • CLE Credit Requirement: 12 credits, 1 one of which must be ethics
  • Completion Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Deadline: February 15
  • Reporting Period: 1 year
  • Carry-Over Credit Limit: 12 credits, including 1 ethics credit

Alabama Continuing Legal Education Requirements

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Alaska CLE Requirements

Alaska attorneys must complete at least 3 ethics credits every year. All credits can be satisfied through technology-delivered programming. Topics that qualify as an ethics CLE include professional responsibility, workplace ethics, law office management, attention to cases and clients, time management, malpractice prevention, collegiality, general attorney wellness, and professionalism. Alaska attorneys are encouraged to complete an additional 9 general CLE credits; however, this is not a requirement.

  • CLE Credit Requirement: 3 ethics credits
  • Completion Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Deadline: February 1
  • Reporting Period: 1 year
  • Carry-Over Credit Limit: 12 credits, including 3 ethics credits

Alaska CLE Requirements

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Colorado Continuing Legal Education Requirements

Colorado attorneys must complete 45 CLE credits every 3 years. All 45 credits can be earned by either attending live sessions or via OnDemand courses. Of these 45 credits, Colorado attorneys must complete 7 credits of professional responsibility (and at least 2 of those 7 credits must be in the area of equity, diversity, and inclusivity).

  • CLE Credit Requirement: 45 credits, 7 of which must be professional responsibility/ethics credits. Of the 7 professional responsibility/ethics credits, 2 must be equity, diversity, and inclusivity credits.
  • Completion Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Deadline: January 31
  • Reporting Period: 3 years
  • Carry-Over Credit Limit: No credits may be carried over

Colorado Continuing Legal Education Requirements

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Connecticut CLE Requirements

Connecticut attorneys must complete 12 CLE credits every reporting period, which is 1 year long. Of these 12 credits, 2 must be ethics/professionalism credits. Connecticut allows attorneys to carry over 2 credits every year. All credit hours can be earned using live or self-study CLE activities.

  • CLE Credit Requirement: 12 credits, 2 of which must be ethics/professionalism credits
  • Completion Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Deadline: First Friday of March
  • Reporting Period: 1 year
  • Carry-Over Credit Limit: 2 credits, which may be general or ethics credits

Connecticut CLE Requirements

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Delaware CLE Requirements

Delaware attorneys must complete 24 CLE credits every 2 years. 4 of these credits must be enhanced ethics credits.  At least 12 of those credits must be earned by attending, in person, live CLE courses. Attorneys admitted to the Delaware Bar in even-numbered years shall complete the required CLE credits by December 31 of even-numbered years; attorneys admitted to the Delaware Bar in odd-numbered years shall complete the required CLE by December 31 of odd-numbered years.

The CLE requirement for a newly admitted attorney shall begin on January 1 of the year after the attorney’s admission to the Delaware Bar. By the end of the newly-admitted attorney’s second compliance year, the newly-admitted attorney must attend 7 Fundamentals courses offered by the Delaware State Bar Association; attendance at these Fundamentals courses is credited toward the attorney’s minimum continuing legal education obligations.  

  • CLE Credit Requirement: 24 credits, 4 of which must be enhanced ethics credits
  • Completion Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Deadline: December 31 of odd or even years, depending on year of admission
  • Reporting Period: 2 years
  • Carry-Over Credit Limit: 20 credits. Ethics credits do not carry over as ethics but will count as general credits.

Delaware CLE Requirements

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Georgia CLE Requirements

Georgia attorneys are required to complete a total of 12 CLE credits every year, 1 of which must be in the area of ethics and 1 which must be in the area of professionalism. All credits may be taken as live or distance learning programs. If the attorney is a trial attorney, then 3 of their required CLE credits must be in trial practice.

New attorneys must complete the Transition into Law Practice Program (TILPP) by December 31 of the first calendar year after they were admitted. Completion of the Transition Into Law Practice Program satisfies Georgia CLE requirements for both the year of admission and the next succeeding year.

  • CLE Credit Requirement: 12 credits every year, of which 1 must be in the area of ethics and 1 must be in the area of professionalism. Trial attorneys must complete 3 trial hours credits every year (which credits count towards the total required 12 credits).
  • Completion Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Deadline: January 31
  • Reporting Period: 1 year
  • Carry-Over Credit Limit: 12 general credits, 2 ethics credits, 2 professionalism credits, and 3 trial practice credits can be carried over.

Georgia CLE Requirements

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Hawaii CLE Requirements

Hawaii attorneys must complete at least 3 CLE credits every year through live or online CLE activities. Every 3 years, 1 CLE credit must be in the area of ethics or professional responsibility (this credit will count toward the annual CLE requirement). All credits may be taken as live or online format programs.

New attorneys licensed to practice law who elect active status in the year in which they are licensed are exempt from CLE requirements for the first year of practice, but they must complete the Hawaii Professionalism Course (sponsored jointly by the Hawaii State Bar and the Supreme Court of Hawaii) no later than December 31 of the year following the year of election of active status.

  • CLE Credit Requirement: 3 credits every year; every 3 years, 1 credit completed must be in ethics or professional responsibility
  • Completion Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Deadline: Annual attorney registration
  • Reporting Period: 1 year
  • Carry-Over Credit Limit: 3 credits may be carried over. This may include ethics or professional responsibility credits.

Hawaii CLE Requirements

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Idaho CLE Requirements

Idaho attorneys are subject to a 3-year reporting period. Every 3 years, they must complete 30 CLE credits, 15 of which must be live CLE credits. A maximum of 15 credit hours can be taken as OnDemand programs. 3 of these 30 total credits must be in the area of legal ethics or professional responsibility.

Within 12 months of admission to the Idaho State Bar, all new Idaho attorneys must complete 10 New Admittee Credit-Approved (NAC-Approved) CLE credits. NAC-Approved CLE credits address Idaho practice, procedure, and/or ethics. Of those 10 NAC-Approved credits, all attorneys must complete the 4 Idaho Substantive Law Courses on ethics, civil and criminal procedure, and community property.

  • CLE Credit Requirement: 30 credits, 3 of which must be legal ethics or professional responsibility
  • Completion Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Deadline: February 1
  • Reporting Period: For most attorneys, their first reporting period began on the date of admission to the Bar and ended on December 31 of the third full year following admission. After the initial reporting period, the reporting periods continue in 3-year cycles
  • Carry-Over Credit Limit: Idaho attorneys cannot carry over CLE credits

Idaho CLE Requirements

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Indiana CLE Requirements

Indiana attorneys must complete 36 credits every 3 years. Of these 36 credits, 3 credits must be ethics credits.

Newly admitted attorneys are required to complete 36 credits per reporting period; however, they are also required to attend an approved, 6 hour “Applied Professionalism” program in lieu of the ethics requirement in their first 3-year cycle.

  • CLE Credit Requirement: 36 credits, 3 of which must be ethics credits
  • Completion Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Period: 3 years
  • Carry-Over Credit Limit: Indiana attorneys cannot carry over CLE credits

Indiana CLE Requirements

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Iowa Continuing Legal Education Requirements

Iowa attorneys must complete at least 15 CLE credit hours every year. Of these 15 credits, 1 credit must be in the area of legal ethics and 1 credit must be devoted to either attorney wellness or diversity and inclusion.

  • CLE Credit Requirement: 15 credits, of which 1 must be ethics and 1 must be in attorney wellness or diversity and inclusion
  • Completion Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Deadline: March 10
  • Reporting Period: 1 year
  • Carry-Over Credit Limit: Iowa attorneys may carry over up to 30 credits for a maximum of 2 years. Ethics, attorney wellness, and diversity & inclusion credits will be carried over as general credits.

Iowa Continuing Legal Education Requirements

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Louisiana CLE Requirements

Attorneys Admitted Prior to 2023:

The annual CLE compliance requirement is 12.5 hours, including 1 hour of ethics and 1 hour of professionalism.  All credit hours must be earned by December 31, 2024, and reported to your transcripts no later than January 31, 2025. The Louisiana State Bar allows up to 4 hours annually of credit delivered through computer-based means. Ethics and professionalism credits may be obtained in this manner. 

2023 Newly Admitted Attorneys:

The CLE compliance requirement for attorneys admitted in 2023 is 12.5 hours, including 8 combined hours of ethics, professionalism, or law office management, which can be earned in the year of admission and the following calendar year. All credit hours must be earned by December 31, 2024, and reported to your transcript no later than January 31, 2025. Up to 4 hours may be earned online. At least 8.5 hours must be obtained in person.    

2024 Newly Admitted Attorneys:

The compliance requirement for attorneys admitted in 2024 can be met by choosing one of the three (3) following methods: (a) Transition Into Practice Mentoring Program; (b) Louisiana State Bar Bridging The Gap Seminars; or (c) choosing accredited courses from reputable providers such as NBI. 12.5 hours, including 8 combined hours of ethics, professionalism, or law office management, must be earned between your date of admission and December 31, 2025, and reported to your transcript no later than January 31, 2026. Up to 4 hours may be earned online. At least 8.5 hours must be obtained in person.   

  • Completion Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Deadline: January 31
  • Reporting Period: 1 year
  • Carry-Over Credit Limit: 8 credits, but only 4 of those 8 credits may be online/non-live. Ethics and professionalism credits can’t be carried over.

Louisiana CLE Requirements

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Maine CLE Requirements

Attorneys licensed to practice in Maine must complete 12 CLE credits every year, 7 of which must be completed with activities approved for live CLE credit. Maine attorneys must complete at least 1 credit in ethics and 1 credit in harassment and discriminatory education as part of their required 12 hours (both of which must be taken as live or live online programs).

  • CLE Credit Requirement: 12 CLE credits, of which 1 must be ethics and 1 must be harassment and discriminatory education
  • Completion Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Deadline: 4:30 PM Eastern on the last business day of February
  • Reporting Period: 1 year
  • Carry-Over Credit Limit: Each calendar year, attorneys may carry over up to 10 credit hours to satisfy the requirements of the following year, provided that no more than 5 of the credit hours may be earned through non-live programs. The mandatory live credit requirements must be satisfied for each reporting period. All carry-over credits are general credits

Maine CLE Requirements

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Nebraska CLE Requirements

Nebraska attorneys must complete 10 CLE credits every year, 2 of which must be professional responsibility credits. Nebraska attorneys are limited to 5 credit hours of computer-based legal education per reporting period. The remaining 5 credits must be earned through live, in-person course participation.

  • CLE Credit Requirement: 10 credits, 2 of which must be professional responsibility credits
  • Completion Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Deadline: January 20
  • Reporting Period: 1 year
  • Carry-Over Credit Limit: An attorney completing more than 10 CLE credit hours during the annual reporting period may receive credit in the next succeeding annual reporting period for the CLE credit hours earned in excess of 10 hours, provided the excess CLE credit hours carried over into the next succeeding annual reporting period may not exceed the annual mandatory CLE requirement for the following year. Credits that are carried over shall maintain the class type for which they were originally earned (in-person or distance learning credit). CLE credit hours earned in professional responsibility are an annual requirement, and those credit hours do not roll over.

Nebraska CLE Requirements

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Nevada CLE Requirements

Nevada attorneys must complete 13 CLE credit hours every year through live or online format CLE activities. Of these 13 credit hours, 2 credits must be legal ethics credits, and 1 credit must be in substance abuse, addictive disorders, and/or mental health.

Newly admitted attorneys are exempt from the CLE credit hour requirement for the remainder of the calendar year in which they are admitted, and for the next full calendar year. Instead of earning CLE credits, a newly admitted attorney must enroll in the Transitioning into Practice (TIP) program.

  • CLE Credit Requirement: 13 credits, of which 2 must be ethics credits and 1 must address substance abuse, addictive disorders, or mental health
  • Completion Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Period: 1 year
  • Carry-Over Credit Limit: 20 general credits, 4 ethics credits, and 2 substance abuse credits

Nevada CLE Requirements

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New Jersey CLE Requirements

New Jersey attorneys must complete 24 CLE credit hours every 2 years. 5 credit hours must be in legal ethics or professionalism. Of the 5 ethics credits, 2 must be in diversity, inclusion, and elimination of bias. A minimum of 12 credit hours must be taken as live programs; the remainder of required credit hours can be taken as OnDemand courses.

Effective January 1, 2024, newly admitted New Jersey attorneys are required to take 16 total credits in a minimum of 6 New Jersey new admit subject areas.  A minimum of 1 credit must be taken in New Jersey attorney trust & business accounting fundamentals. The New Jersey new admit subject areas are as follows:

  • NJ basic estate administration
  • NJ basic estate planning
  • NJ civil or criminal trial preparation
  • NJ family law practice
  • NJ real estate closing procedures
  • NJ attorney trust and business accounting fundamentals
  • NJ landlord/tenant practice
  • NJ municipal court practice
  • NJ law office management
  • NJ administrative law
  • NJ workers’ compensation law
  • NJ labor and employment law

Reporting groups are determined by birthday:

  • Compliance Group 1: Birthdays from January 1 - June 30 (certify compliance in even-numbered years)
  • Compliance Group 2: Birthdays from July 1 - December 31 (certify compliance in odd-numbered years)

This year Compliance Group 1 must report CLEs.

  • CLE Credit Requirement: 24 credits, of which 5 must be ethics credits. 2 ethics credits must be in the areas of diversity, inclusion, and elimination of bias.
  • Completion Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Period: 2 years, determined by birth month
  • Carry-Over Credit Limit: 12 credits

New Jersey CLE Requirements

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New Mexico CLE Requirements

New Mexico attorneys must complete 12 CLE credits every year. These credits may be obtained from live and OnDemand formats. Of these 12 credits, attorneys must complete 2 ethics credits and 1 equity in justice credit. Excess ethics, professionalism, and equity in justice credits can be converted to be used toward the substantive (general) CLE requirement.

  • CLE Credit Requirement: 12 credits, 2 of which must be legal ethics and 1 of which must be equity in justice
  • Completion Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Deadline: February 1
  • Reporting Period: 1 year
  • Carry-Over Credit Limit: 12 credits, 2 of which can be ethics credits and 1 of which can be an equity in justice credit

New Mexico CLE Requirements

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North Carolina CLE Requirements

Effective 3/1/2024, the reporting period is two years. Attorneys who were admitted during an even year will begin the new 2-year, 24-credit requirements this year. For 2024 only, NC attorneys who were admitted during an odd year will have a 1-year and 12-hour requirement (i.e. 3/1/2024-2/28/2025).

North Carolina attorneys must complete 24 CLE credit hours every two years through live or online activities. Of these 24 credit hours, 4 must be in professional responsibility or professionalism or any combination thereof, 1 must be in technology, and 1 must be in professional well-being (formerly substance abuse/mental health awareness training). 

Newly admitted attorneys in North Carolina must complete the Professionalism for New Attorneys (PNA) program during the first year in which they must report CLEs. Attorneys new to the North Carolina Bar, but who have practiced law for at least 5 years in another state, are exempt from the PNA requirement; however, those attorneys must notify the NC Bar of the exemption when they pay their annual Bar dues for the first time.

  • CLE Credit Requirement: 24 credits, including 4 professional responsibility credits, 1 technology training credit, and 1 in professional well-being credit
  • Completion Deadline: Last day of February
  • Reporting Deadline: Last day of February
  • Reporting Period: 2 years
  • Carry-Over Credit Limit: Lawyers are permitted to carry over up to 12 hours of CLE from one reporting period to the next. Hours will carry over as total hours only. Ethics, technology, and professional well-being hours must be taken every reporting period.

North Carolina CLE Requirements

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Ohio CLE Requirements

Ohio attorneys must complete at least 24 CLE credits in every 2-year compliance period. Of those 24 credits, 2 must be in professional conduct. All Ohio attorneys have been permanently assigned to one of two groups based on the first letter of their last name at the time of admission. If an attorney’s last name begins with a letter from A through L she shall complete her educational requirements on or before December 31 of each odd-numbered year. If an attorney’s last name begins with a letter from M through Z she shall complete her educational requirements on or before December 31 of each even-numbered year. If an attorney's name changes after the attorney is admitted to the practice of law or registers for corporate status, the attorney remains in the same alphabetical grouping as assigned when first admitted the practice of law for all future reporting purposes.

Attorneys admitted to the practice of law by examination are required to complete 12 hours of New Lawyers Training instruction during their first biennial compliance period. 3 of the 12 New Lawyers Training hours shall include 1 hour each of instruction in professionalism, law office management, and client fund management.

  • CLE Credit Requirement:12 credits, including 2.5 professional conduct credits
  • Completion Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Period: 2 years
  • Carry-Over Credit Limit: 12 general credits. Professional conduct credits can only be carried over as general credits.

Ohio CLE Requirements

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Oklahoma CLE Requirements

Oklahoma attorneys must complete 12 CLE credits every year. All credits can be earned by attending Live Online Webinars and On-Demand CLE courses (NBI even offers CLE Accredited Podcasts). Of these 12 credits, at least 2 must be legal ethics credits.

  • CLE Credit Requirement: 12 credits, 2 of which must be legal ethics credits
  • Completion Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Deadline: February 15
  • Reporting Period: 1 year
  • Carry-Over Credit Limit: 12 credits, including 2 legal ethics credits

Oklahoma CLE Requirements

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Pennsylvania CLE Requirements

Attorneys are randomly assigned to one of three Compliance Groups with the following deadlines: (A) Group 1: April 30; (B) Group 2: August 31; (C) Group 3: December 31. Only attorneys in Compliance Group 3 must complete their CLE credits by December 31, 2024.

In Pennsylvania, attorneys must complete 12 CLE credits every year, 2 of which must be legal ethics credits. A maximum of 6 credit hours may be taken OnDemand; the remaining 6 credit hours must be earned by taking live in-person or live online courses.

CLE Credit Requirement: 12 credits, 2 of which must be legal ethics credits

Completion Deadline: December 31 for Group 3

Reporting Deadline: 30 days after each CLE course completion

Reporting Period: 1 Year

Carry-Over Credit Limit: A balance of credit hours in excess of the current annual CLE requirement may be carried forward for the next 2 succeeding years. No more than 2 times the current annual CLE requirement may be carried forward into the 2 succeeding years.

Pennsylvania CLE Requirements

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Tennessee CLE Requirements

Tennessee attorneys must complete 15 CLE credit hours every year. Of the 15 credit hours, 3 must be in legal ethics and professionalism. Credit hours may be earned through Live Webinars, OnDemand courses, and CLE Accredited Podcasts.

  • CLE Credit Requirement: 15 credits, 3 of which must be ethics and professionalism credits
  • Completion Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Deadline: March 31
  • Reporting Period: 1 year
  • Carry-Over Credit Limit: 15 credits, including 3 ethics and professionalism credits.

Tennessee CLE Requirements

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Washington CLE Requirements

Washington attorneys must complete at least 45 Washington CLE credits every 3 years. Of these 45 CLE credits, 6 must be legal ethics credits (with at least 1 credit covering equity, inclusion, and the mitigation of both implicit and explicit bias in the legal profession and the practice of law) and 15 must be law and legal procedure credits.

Please refer to this chart to determine your current reporting period.

  • CLE Credit Requirement: 45 credits, 6 of which must be ethics credits
  • Completion Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Deadline: February 1
  • Reporting Period: 3 years
  • Carry-Over Credit Limit: 15 credits, including 2 ethics credits

Washington CLE Requirements

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Wisconsin CLE Requirements

Wisconsin attorneys must complete a minimum of 30 CLE credits every 2 years. Of the 30 required CLE credit hours, 3 must be ethics and professional responsibility (EPR) credits. A minimum of 15 credit hours must be taken as live programs, including the EPR credits.

  • CLE Credit Requirement: 30 credits, 3 of which must be EPR credits
  • Completion Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Deadline: February 1
  • Reporting Period: 2 years, alternating even and odd years of admission
  • Carry-Over Credit Limit: If the current reporting period total credits exceed 45, a maximum combined total of 15 credits may be carried over to the next reporting period, 2 of which may be ethics credits.

Wisconsin CLE Requirements

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Wyoming CLE Requirements

Wyoming attorneys must complete 15 credit hours every year, 2 of which must be in the area of ethics.  A minimum of 7 credit hours must be taken as live programs, and a maximum of 8 credit hours may be earned through pre-recorded means such as OnDemand courses.

  • CLE Credit Requirement: 15 credits, including 2 hours of legal ethics
  • Completion Deadline: December 31
  • Reporting Deadline: January 15
  • Reporting Period: 1 year
  • Carry-Over Credit Limit: Hours completed in any year in excess of the minimum required 15 hours, including legal ethics credits, may be carried forward for 2 years. However, non-live CLE credits in excess of 8 hours may not be carried forward.

Wyoming CLE Requirements

Check out our Wyoming CLE Courses

This blog post is for general informative purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice or a solicitation to provide legal services.  You should consult with an attorney before you rely on this information.  While we attempted to ensure accuracy, completeness and timeliness, we assume no responsibility for this post’s accuracy, completeness or timeliness.

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