In Montana, each reporting year begins on April 1 and runs to March 31 of the following calendar year. During the reporting cycle, attorneys must obtain mandatory CLE credits and report them to the Montana Commission of Continuing Legal Education.
For live credit taken with National Business Institute, NBI will report your credit to the Montana Commission of CLE. For self-study credit, Montana attorneys are responsible for tracking and reporting their own credits. In either case, NBI will send you a Verified Certificate of Completion for your records.
Montana CLE Requirements
Montana attorneys must complete 15 credit hours each reporting year. While 13 of these hours can be on any approved legal topic, at least 2 hours must cover legal ethics or professionalism.
Of the 15 total hours, attorneys must complete 10 of those hours through “live” or “interactive” courses. The remaining 5 hours can be satisfied with self-study credit. Live credit can be earned through live in-person seminars, live teleconferences, or live webinars.
Attorneys may also carry over credits to the following year if they earn more than 15 hours. However, only live credits may be carried forward. Any self-study credits will not be allowed to carry over.
Additional Resources
Montana attorneys can find additional information on our Montana CLE requirements page.
NBI offers thousands of OnDemand courses, live online seminars, and live webinars to ensure Montana attorneys can comply with their CLE requirements and meet their CLE deadlines. Be sure to check out our course catalog for a full listing of accredited Montana CLE courses.
To get expert guidance on selecting a subscription plan that fits your unique MCLE needs, contact us online or at (800) 930-6182.
This blog post is for general informative purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice or a solicitation to provide legal services. You should consult with an attorney before you rely on this information. While we attempted to ensure accuracy, completeness and timeliness, we assume no responsibility for this post’s accuracy, completeness or timeliness.
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