
At Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP, DEI Starts with Respect for the Individual
Kevin Lyn
Thu, Nov 05, 2020
At Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP, DEI Starts with Respect for the Individual

Respect for the individual. Respect. For. The. Individual. These four words are part of the...

5 Tips For Clients Considering Short-Term Leases
The NBI Team
Tue, Oct 20, 2020
5 Tips For Clients Considering Short-Term Leases

Thanks to the popularity of websites like Airbnb, many homeowners have begun offering their property for short-term leases online. These leases could provide...

COVID-19 ADA Accommodation Challenges
The NBI Team
Tue, Oct 06, 2020
COVID-19 ADA Accommodation Challenges

As workplaces continue to open up and move away from quarantine restrictions, employers will face many legal challenges. While every working environment is different and employee needs can vary...

Honing Your Niche in Times of Economic Uncertainty
The NBI Team
Thu, Aug 27, 2020
Honing Your Niche in Times of Economic Uncertainty

Career and business development strategies are critical elements for any successful law practice. Although a period of economic instability can reduce business and revenue flow...

5 Essential Techniques for Getting Paid
The NBI Team
Thu, Aug 20, 2020
5 Essential Techniques for Getting Paid

Like any business, law firms can only operate so long without cash flow. New income ensures the firm meets payroll and keeps the lights on, among other expenses. While a...

The Challenge of Retaining Top Talent for Law Firms
Kendra Brodin & Lisa Watson
Tue, Aug 11, 2020
The Challenge of Retaining Top Talent for Law Firms

Attracting and retaining new attorney talent is an ever-present challenge for law firms of all sizes. We recently asked Kendra Brodin & Lisa Watson of Taft, Stettinius & Hollister for...

Introducing Live Online Seminars
The NBI Team
Thu, Aug 06, 2020
Introducing Live Online Seminars

At NBI, the past 6 months have spurred broader reflections on how we can better serve our customers through 2020 and beyond. One of the biggest and most immediate questions...

Customizing Traditional Models of Mediation to Work in Today’s Covid-19 Environment
Daniel B. Garrie & Andrew S. Nadolna
Tue, Aug 04, 2020
Customizing Traditional Models of Mediation to Work in Today’s Covid-19 Environment

Mediation is often viewed by lawyers as a “this” or “that” on the spectrum from facilitative to evaluative. In reality, experienced neutrals view mediation as a process customized to the...


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