
Q&A: How Can New Lawyers Provide Value in Today’s Environment?
Grover Cleveland
Wed, Jul 22, 2020
Q&A: How Can New Lawyers Provide Value in Today’s Environment?

We recently had the opportunity to interview Seattle lawyer, speaker and author, Grover Cleveland to get his thoughts on how 2020 law grads can best prepare for career success during...

What Every Lawyer Should Know About Civil Disobedience
The NBI Team
Tue, Jul 14, 2020
What Every Lawyer Should Know About Civil Disobedience

The United States is facing significant civil unrest. For many, now is the ideal time to take on systemic problems through free speech, engagement, and even civil disobedience.

Before You Tweet… Top Ethical Risks of Using Social Media
The NBI Team
Tue, Jun 23, 2020
Before You Tweet… Top Ethical Risks of Using Social Media

Social media use by people of all ages has grown exponentially in recent years. In response, many law firms have established profiles on popular social networking sites...

Asked & Answered: Breaking into Entertainment Law
The NBI Team
Thu, May 21, 2020
Asked & Answered: Breaking into Entertainment Law

We recently had the opportunity to interview Katrina Brede, attorney and shareholder at Bracepoint Law, to get an inside perspective on practicing in entertainment law.

Reopening the Workplace: Top Employer Considerations
Recap courtesy of the NBI Team
Wed, May 13, 2020
Reopening the Workplace: Top Employer Considerations

As states begin phasing out or lifting stay-at-home orders across the nation, many employers are seeking guidance on what steps they need to take to safely and defensibly bring employees...

Employment Discrimination and Harassment
Guest Author, Dana L. Bacsi, Esquire
Sun, Apr 19, 2020
Employment Discrimination and Harassment

Discrimination and Harassment in the workplace is unlawful. Employment decisions must be based on legitimate job-related criteria. It is inappropriate to act in a manner that reflects negatively on in

Preparation/Interpretation and Practical Application
Guest Author, Samantha R. Thornton
Sun, Apr 19, 2020
Preparation/Interpretation and Practical Application

I am not sure about anyone else, but clients are always sending or bringing me things they think a. will help their case, b. want our office to be aware...


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