Illinois CLE Requirements

Required Illinois CLE Credits

30.00 Total Credit Hours


2 Years

Including 1.00 Diversity and Inclusion credit and 1.00 Mental Health and Substance Abuse credit OR participation in Lawyer-to-Lawyer Mentoring Program.

All credit hours can be completed through Illinois accredited courses.

Illinois CLE Reporting Deadlines

Deadline to complete CLEs: June 30

Reporting deadline: July 31

Reporting period: 2 years

NBI reports your credit to the Illinois MCLE Board.


In Illinois, active status attorneys must complete 30.00 CLE credits every 2 years to maintain good standing with the Illinois State Bar. There are certain exemptions for judges, court staff, active members of the military, and attorneys who are members of the bar of another state with similar CLE requirements.

In addition, Illinois attorneys must complete 6.00 CLE credits in professional responsibility every reporting period, which includes 1.00 credit in diversity and inclusion and 1.00 credit in mental health and substance abuse or participation in an approved year-long Lawyer-to-Lawyer Mentoring Program.

You must complete all required Illinois CLE credits by June 30 of your reporting year, and the deadline for reporting credits is July 31 at 11:59 p.m. CDT of your reporting year.

The Illinois CLE reporting period is 2 years and is assigned according to the first letter of your last name. Your reporting period ends on June 30 of the second year of your reporting period.

  • Last names A-M report in even-numbered years
  • Last names N-Z report in odd-numbered years

NBI reports your credit to the Illinois MCLE Board.

You must complete all required Illinois CLE credits by June 30 of your reporting year, and the deadline for reporting credits is July 31 at 11:59 p.m. CDT of your reporting year.

Attorneys may review their credit transcript on the MCLE Board of the Supreme Court of Illinois website. An attorney's online transcript is their MCLE report.

Experienced attorneys can fulfill their Illinois CLE requirement by completing courses approved and accredited by the Illinois MCLE Board. Examples of accepted course formats include:

Live CLE

Recorded Technology

Illinois attorneys in a 2-year reporting period may carry over 10.00 CLE credits to their next reporting period. You may carry over professional responsibility credits.

New attorneys who have completed their new attorney requirements in their initial 1-year reporting period may carry over up to 15.00 CLE credits to their first 2-year regular reporting period, including up to 6.00 hours of professional responsibility credit.

There is no limit to the number of CLE credits you can earn through recorded technology courses.

No. In-program attendance verification is not required.

  • Illinois MCLE Board Contact Information:
    • Address: The MCLE Board of the Supreme Court of Illinois, 200 W. Madison Street, Suite 900, Chicago, IL 60606
    • Phone Number: (312) 924-2420
    • Website:

Are you newly admitted to the Illinois State Bar? Here’s what you need to know:

Newly admitted attorneys in Illinois must complete 15.00 CLE credits by the last day of the month that occurs one year after their admission to practice law. Attorneys that were not previously admitted to another state bar must complete:

  • A Basic Skills Course that meets the requirements set by the Illinois CLE Board. The Basic Skills Course must include at least 6.00 professional responsibility credits, including 1.00 credit in diversity and inclusion and 1.00 credit in mental health and substance abuse. An attorney may satisfy this requirement by participating in a mentoring program approved by the Commission on Professionalism.
  • At least 9.00 additional hours of CLE credit from approved Illinois CLE courses.

New attorneys who complete a Basic Skills Course and participate in an approved mentoring program will only need to complete 3.00 additional hours of CLE credit to meet their 15.00 credit CLE requirement.

New attorneys must report compliance to the MCLE Board within 31 days of completion of their new attorney MCLE requirements.

Newly Admitted attorneys can fulfill their Illinois CLE requirement by completing courses approved and accredited by the Illinois MCLE Board. Examples of accepted course formats include:

Live CLE

Recorded Technology

Yes, but your requirements are slightly different. If you practiced law in another state for at least one of the three years prior to your admission to the Illinois State Bar, you must complete 15.00 CLE credits, including 4.00 professional responsibility credits, by the last day of the month that occurs one year after your admission to the Illinois State Bar.

Yes. Once you have completed all of the MCLE requirements for your one-year reporting period, you may carry over up to 15.00 credits, including 6.00 professional responsibility credits, to your first two-year reporting period.

You must complete the MCLE requirements for new attorneys by the last day of the month that occurs one year after you were admitted to the Illinois Bar. Your first regular 2-year MCLE reporting period begins on July 1 of the next:

  • Even-numbered year, if your last name begins with a letter A through M
  • Odd-numbered year, if your last name begins with a letter N through Z

Yes. All new attorneys must complete 15.00 MCLE credits in the first year after admission to the Illinois State Bar. The topics required for those credits vary depending on whether the attorney practiced law in another state in the 3-year period before admission to the Illinois State Bar.

New attorneys who were not previously admitted to any state bar must complete a Basic Skills Course that is approved by the Illinois State Bar. This course must include 6.00 professional responsibility credits, including 1.00 credit in diversity and inclusion and 1.00 credit in mental health and substance abuse. The other 9.00 CLE credits can be earned from approved Illinois CLE courses.

Attorneys newly admitted to the Illinois State Bar who practiced law in another jurisdiction for at least one of the three years immediately preceding admission to the Illinois State Bar must complete 15.00 MCLE credits, including 4.00 professional responsibility credits.

Illinois' newly admitted attorney rules apply to attorneys during the first year following their admission to practice in Illinois. The newly admitted attorney requirements must be completed by the last day of the month occurring one year after their admission.