Mississippi CLE Requirements
Required Mississippi CLE Credits
A minimum of 6.00 credit hours must be taken as live in-person programs.
A maximum of 6.00 credit hours may be taken as online programs.
Mississippi CLE Reporting Deadlines
Reporting deadline: August 15
Reporting period: 1 year
NBI reports your credit to the Mississippi Commission on Continuing Legal Education.
General Mississippi Continuing Legal Education Credit Requirements
How many CLE credits do you need in Mississippi, and what types of CLE credit do you need?
In Mississippi, active status attorneys must complete 12.00 CLE credits (including 1.00 CLE credit in ethics/professionalism) every year to maintain good standing with The Mississippi Bar.
The following are exempt: full-time members of the U.S. Armed Forces; members of the Judiciary; the Governor of the State of Mississippi; members of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives; and members of The Mississippi Bar 70 years of age and older.
When is the Mississippi CLE reporting deadline?
Mississippi attorneys must complete all 12.00 required credits by July 31 each year. All CLE credits must be reported by August 15.
How long is the Mississippi CLE reporting period, and when does it end?
The reporting period is 1 year and runs from August 1 to July 31 for all Mississippi attorneys.
How do I report my Mississippi CLE credits?
NBI reports your credit to the Mississippi Commission on Continuing Legal Education.
At the end of your reporting period, enter all completed courses on your annual report given to you by the Mississippi Commission on Continuing Legal Education.
How many Mississippi CLE credits can I carry over?
Mississippi attorneys may carry over 12.00 CLE credits to the next reporting period. Excess ethics/professionalism credits carry over as general CLE credits and do not satisfy the ethics/professionalism requirement for the following reporting period.
How many Mississippi CLE credits can I earn with online courses?
Attorneys in Mississippi can earn a maximum of 6.00 CLE credits with online courses.
Is in-program attendance verification required to receive Mississippi CLE credit?
No. In-program attendance verification is not required.
Additional CLE resources for Mississippi attorneys
- State Contact Information:
- Address: Gartin Justice Building 450 High Street Jackson, MS 39201
- Phone Number: 601-576-4622
- Email: cle@courts.ms.gov
- Website: https://courts.ms.gov/cle_bccr/cle.php
- Mississippi CLE Rules, FAQs, Calendars, and Course Search
Are you newly admitted to The Mississippi Bar? Here’s what you need to know:
What are the Mississippi CLE requirements for newly admitted attorneys?
New Mississippi attorneys must complete an approved new lawyer program by the end of the second CLE year occurring after their date of admission. This program satisfies the attorney's CLE requirement for the year of admission and the next CLE year.
The new lawyer program includes 12.00 CLE credits, including 6.00 credits in basic skills and 6.00 credits in ethics/professionalism.
I completed the new lawyer program and additional credits within the first two Mississippi CLE years. Can I carry over additional credits?
Yes. The new-lawyer program satisfies your CLE requirements for your year of admission and the next CLE year. Additional CLE credits earned by the end of the second CLE year after admission to The Mississippi Bar may be carried over to the next CLE reporting period.
When does my first reporting period for Mississippi end?
Your first reporting period ends on July 31 of the second CLE year after you are admitted to The Mississippi Bar. Your new lawyer program satisfies your Mississippi CLE requirements through the second CLE period after admission.
Are there any special credit requirements for new attorneys in Mississippi?
Yes. New Mississippi attorneys must complete an approved new lawyer program by the end of the second CLE year occurring after their date of admission. This program satisfies the attorney's CLE requirement for the year of admission and the next CLE year.
The new lawyer program includes 12.00 CLE credits, including 6.00 credits in basic skills and 6.00 credits in ethics/professionalism.
I practiced law in another state. Do I have to complete the new-lawyer program in Mississippi?
New attorneys who were previously admitted to practice law in another state may be exempted (upon submission of an affidavit) from the 6.00 hour basic skills portion of the new lawyer program if they have been actively engaged in the practice of law for 5 or more years immediately prior to admission to Mississippi.
The 6.00 hour ethics/professionalism component of the new lawyer program still applies and must be completed within 9 months of admission.
Who is considered an experienced attorney in Mississippi?
An attorney who has completed an approved New Attorney program.
Who is considered a newly admitted attorney in Mississippi?
An attorney who has not completed an approved New Attorney program.
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