DirecTV Accuses Disney of Anti-Competitive Practices, Files Formal Complaint With FCC

The NBI Team

The recent dispute between DirecTV and Disney has escalated, with DirecTV filing a formal complaint with the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) accusing Disney of engaging in anti-competitive practices. The disagreement revolves around the carriage of Disney-owned channels, including ESPN, ABC, and Disney Channel, on DirecTV’s platform. This high-profile clash has significant implications for consumers who are caught in the crossfire. DirecTV customers are currently prevented from viewing most college football games and missed out on the final week of the U.S. Open tennis tournament because of the dispute.

Heart of the Dispute

At the core of the dispute is the negotiation process for the carriage rights of Disney’s channels. DirecTV alleges that Disney has adopted an aggressive negotiating tactic, demanding excessive fees and imposing restrictive terms that could harm consumers. DirecTV claims that Disney is insisting on bundling its channels with less popular offerings, forcing consumers to pay for channels they don’t want. This practice, known as “bundling,” can limit consumer choice and drive up costs.

DirecTV argues that Disney is seeking to impose “minimum penetration requirements,” which would force DirecTV to carry Disney’s channels in a certain percentage of its subscriber base. This could further limit consumer choice and potentially increase costs for subscribers.

Disney insists that any deal between the two companies include a “clean slate” provision, whereby DirecTV would be enjoined from pursuing legal action against Disney for both past and future alleged violations of FCC Rules and anti-competitive laws. DirecTV’s Complaint, however, states “the Media Bureau made clear that such a demand itself constitutes bad faith.” 

Impact on Consumers

The ongoing dispute between DirecTV and Disney has already had a tangible impact on consumers. Millions of DirecTV subscribers have lost access to Disney-owned channels, including popular sports content like ESPN. This disruption has caused significant inconvenience and frustration for many viewers.

The potential for prolonged negotiations or even a complete blackout of Disney channels could lead to higher costs for consumers. If DirecTV is forced to pay significantly higher fees for Disney’s channels, those costs may eventually be passed on to subscribers in the form of increased subscription rates.

FCC Investigation

The FCC’s involvement in the dispute is crucial. The agency has a mandate to protect consumers and ensure a competitive marketplace. If the FCC finds merit in DirecTV’s complaint, it could take a variety of actions. These could include imposing fines on Disney, ordering the company to modify its negotiating practices, or even seeking to break up Disney’s media empire (this is unlikely, however).

Broader Implications

The dispute between DirecTV and Disney highlights a broader trend in the media industry. As the number of streaming services and content providers grows, the power dynamics between distributors and content creators are shifting. This has led to increased tensions and negotiations over carriage rights.

The outcome of the DirecTV-Disney dispute could have far-reaching implications for the future of the television industry. If the FCC finds that Disney has engaged in anti-competitive practices, it could set a precedent that could discourage other content providers from adopting similar tactics.


The ongoing dispute between DirecTV and Disney is a complex legal battle with significant implications for consumers and the media industry as a whole. The outcome of the FCC’s investigation will likely shape the future of television distribution and the relationship between content providers and distributors.


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