Interactive eLearning
Highly engaging courses that blend training and technology to increase your knowledge and retention. Complete all at once or over time - whatever your schedule dictates.
- eLearningEthics & Specialty Credits4.52
Avoiding Implicit Bias
Bias is common in many workplaces, and the legal field is not immune. It can effect representation, to the detriment of all parties. This Interactive eLearning course provides hands-on, concrete examples you can use to avoid implicit bias in your practice. Ensure you provide the best representation possible to all clients – register today! Determine where bias lies and take steps to ensure it doesn’t cloud decision-making. Analyze malpractice suits brought about by unconscious bias so you can avoid the same mistakes. Understand how bias affects relations with clients and internal law firm operations.
Interactive eLearning1 hour - eLearningLitigation & Appeals4.44
Getting Evidence Admitted: A Step-By-Step Guide
The fact that cases hinge on evidence has been drilled into your head since the time you were a 1L. Even if you have decades of experience, getting that evidence admitted can still be a challenge. This Interactive eLearning course provides hands-on, concrete examples you can use to get evidence admitted, respond to objections and more. Master evidence admission through the use of interactive examples - register today! Lay proper foundations to get your evidence admitted. Strategically respond to objections that may jeopardize essential evidence. Employ technology to present your evidence in a concise, easy-to-follow manner.
Interactive eLearning1 hour - eLearningPersonal Injury & Negligence4.55
Valuing the Personal Injury Claim and Drafting Demand Letters
"How much is my claim worth?" That's the first question on every personal injury client's tongue, from initial consultations all the way up to trial or settlement. You need to be able to accurately answer this question since your client's future depends on it. This Interactive eLearning course walks you through the nuts and bolts of valuing a claim - including invaluable information on how insurers operate. You'll also take away insight on how to draft demand letters that get results. Use meaningful interactions to reenforce claim valuation knowledge - register today! Accurately value personal injury claims - including both general damages and special damages. Get an inside look at how insurance companies place a dollar value on injuries. Draft demand letters that put your client in a favorable negotiating provision and get results.
Interactive eLearning1 hour - eLearningLaw Practice Management
MS Word Shortcuts for Attorneys
"Get it right and keep it tight" was the legal writing mantra of the late Ruth Bader Ginsberg, but is MS Office preventing you from doing this? Maximizing your productivity with this tool is essential if you want to spend more time on the substance of your briefs and less on fighting with formatting and organization. This Interactive eLearning course provides you with time saving tips and examples you can use to configure MS Office to maximize efficiency and get the most out of your working hours. Even if you consider yourself an MS Office super user, you're sure to learn something new from this innovative course – register today! Customize the content of the ribbon and quick access tool bar to ensure the features you need are at your fingertips. Format page numbers according to your local court rules with section breaks. Participate in real-time interactive exercises so you can crystalize the knowledge you need to increase efficiency.
Interactive eLearning1 hour - eLearningFamily Law
Drafting Marital Settlement Agreements
Cary Grant once said that divorce is a game played by lawyers. While it's anything but sport, the need for knowledgeable legal professionals to navigate this emotionally-fraught process remains - especially when it comes to drafting marital settlement agreements. This Interactive eLearning course utilizes interactive exercises to walk you through these essential agreements while reinforcing your knowledge. Strengthen your marital settlement agreement knowledge - register today! Ensure the marital settlement agreements you draft stay between the legal bright lines by knowing what they can - and can't - contain. Confidently handle asset division, custody rights and other issues that are fraught with emotion and prone to conflict. Get essential tips to zealously advocate for your client's position during the marital settlement agreement negotiation process.
Interactive eLearning1 hour - eLearningLabor & Employment
Employee Hiring, Firing, and Discipline
Though many of the applicable laws may be decades old, the employment lifecycle, from hiring to firing, is constantly changing. You need to be up to speed on the latest information in order to provide legal safeguards in a rapidly changing employment landscape. This Interactive eLearning course provides engaging interactions that reenforce key legal points in the current workplace environment. Confidently navigate the employment lifecycle - register today! Employ the latest hiring safeguards regarding social media, background checks, and more. Recognize outdated discipline policies that land employers in hot water. From terminations to layoffs, get legal best practices for end-of-employment situations.
Interactive eLearning1 hour - eLearningTrusts4.57
Drafting Living Trusts
Living trusts are the backbone of countless estate plans. Despite this, all too many practitioners get the details wrong, causing issues when it comes time to transfer assets. This Interactive eLearning course uses hands-on interactions to strengthen your trust drafting knowledge. Master living trust essentials to help your clients preserve intergenerational wealth - register today! Advise your clients on the best trust structures that fit their needs and protect their assets. Structure trust distributions that fulfill your clients' wishes and provide maximum protections to beneficiaries. Craft trust provisions that preserve family wealth and reduce estate tax burdens.
Interactive eLearning1 hour - eLearningReal Estate4.5
Real Estate Purchase Agreements 101
Without the purchase agreement, there is no real estate transaction. You need to get the contract right the first time if the transfer of property is to happen on time - and to avoid litigation down the road. Starting with the 3 P's of the transaction - parties, property and price - this Interactive eLearning course will walk you through the necessary provisions you need to craft to ensure painless transactions that protect your clients - register today! Ensure your contracts remain enforceable through solidly drafting key provisions. Analyze key contract provisions to ensure your client's interests are covered. Negotiate rock-solid real estate contracts that maximize protections for your clients.
Interactive eLearning1 hour - eLearningTrusts
Probate Asset Valuation
There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to valuing probate assets. Valuation methods vary based on asset type. They also depend on whether or not the valuation is disputed. This interactive eLearning course provides hands-on exercises that reinforce the knowledge you need to handle matters that give even experienced practitioners pause. Confidently value key probate assets - register today! Increase probate asset valuation knowledge retention via engaging, hands-on modules. Employ cutting-edge valuation methods for digital assets, business interests and more. Confidently navigate scenarios where asset valuations are disputed by interested parties.
Interactive eLearning1 hour - eLearningContract Law4.2
Contract Drafting Mistakes You NEED to Avoid
When words get heated and demand letters start flying, the first place both parties turn to is the contract. If you are the drafter, your work product takes center stage, fueling expensive and embarrasing litigation. Don't let contracts you put together add fuel to the fire. This Interactive eLearning course uses hands-on interactions to help you avoid devastating contract drafting mistakes that leave your clients stranded. Draft airtight documents that avoid all-too-common errors - register today! Spot the top indemnification and liquidated damage provision errors that even experienced practitioners miss. Sidestep limitation of liability landmines that have caused spiraling litigation costs for all too many. Locate litigation traps that lurk in seemingly innocuous representation and warranty provisions.
Interactive eLearning1 hour