Louisiana CLE Courses
- Best SellerReal Estate
Transferring Real Estate Title to an LLC or Trust
Protection from creditors, control, tax advantages - there are many reasons clients may wish to use LLCs or trusts for real estate ownership. This guide will equip you with the essential knowledge you need to help clients make the best decision, navigate the process for transferring titles, and address common issues. Help clients capitalize on the benefits while avoiding financial and legal pitfalls - register today! Understand the benefits and potential downsides of using LLCs, trusts, or both as vehicles for property ownership. Walk through the steps you must take to successfully and seamlessly transfer title. Anticipate how transfers will impact the terms of the mortgage, insurance, and taxes.
Recorded December 20, 2024.OnDemand 55 minutes - Best SellerTrusts
Medicaid and Estate Planning: A Balancing Act
Qualifying for Medicaid nursing home coverage can impede traditional estate planning tactics. This legal course will give you the tools to reconcile the two plans to work in concert instead of against each other. Revise your trust drafting and intravisos transfer approaches, get an update on the latest rules and limitations shaping estate plans, and hear hard-won real-life lessons from seasoned practitioners. Help your clients at every stage of their lives - register today! Get an update on the rules of Medicaid and the latest tax changes. Make the best use of POAs and guardianships to protect the rights of the elderly. Improve drafting with a review of sample trust provisions. Develop a concrete plan for estate administration and Medicaid recovery.
Coming Soon! OnDemand recording will be available on March 28, 2025.OnDemand6 hours - Best SellerLitigation & Appeals
The Complete Civil Trial Attorney
Maximize your chance of trial victory! This program will reveal critical strategies every trial attorney needs to know. From trial preparation to closing arguments, our seasoned faculty will give you the insights you need to battle your way to that desired verdict. Register today! Don't be left unprepared: review everything you should be doing before trial, and when. Get ahead of the evidence game: discover how to get yours admitted while missing no opportunity to keep theirs out. Discover how to effectively flush out potential jurors' true feelings and opinions during voir dire. Learn how to present the best - and worst - parts of the case to judge and jury. Find creative ways to reinforce witness credibility during direct examination. Gain a firm hold on difficult witnesses during cross-examination with tips from seasoned trial attorneys.
Recorded February 28, 2025.OnDemand5 hours 46 minutes - Best SellerEthics & Specialty CreditsPodcast4.57
Burnout is Real: How to Cope With the Realities of the Practice of Law
In the demanding world of legal practice, burnout is a pervasive issue that affects lawyers at all stages of their careers. This podcast delves into the realities of burnout, its impact on legal professionals, and practical strategies to mitigate its effects. Through engaging discussions and expert insights, participants will gain valuable tools to maintain well-being, enhance resilience, and thrive in their legal careers. Don't wait - register today! Discuss the varying pressures faced by solo, small, and large firm employees. Learn how to manage your (sometimes unrealistic) billing requirements. Understand the main causes of burnout and how to avoid them. Explore actionable strategies for building resilience. Determine whether to change firms, go in-house, or change careers.
OnDemand1 hour - Best SellerLitigation & Appeals
Complete Rules of Evidence Guide: With Real-World Examples
You don't have to be a seasoned trial lawyer to understand the concepts of getting testimony or exhibits into evidence. This practical guide demystifies the rules and provides real-world language and examples to help you build your mastery over the rules. Whether you're an aspiring trial lawyer or just want to blow the dust off your trial skills, this program is for you - register today! Learn how to prove that evidence is genuine and admissible. Anticipate the various admission hurdles for lay and expert witness testimony. Strengthen your grasp over the rule against hearsay and its myriad exceptions. Obtain the upper hand with superior motion in limine drafting skills. Adapt your approach to presenting evidence based on what you're introducing and where you are. Make technology work for you, not against you in the courtroom. This program was designed in conjunction with NBI's esteemed Content Advisory Committee Member James Susag.
Recorded March 06, 2025.OnDemand6 hours - Best SellerTrusts
Understanding Trusts: Why Some Structures Provide More Protections Than Others
When assessing complex information, it often helps to break items into basic building blocks. The same approach can be successful when dealing with trusts. Be prepared for specific challenges associated with various types of trusts by understanding their unique characteristics. Our intensive full-day primer will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the wide variety of trusts available. Register today! Learn what not to do when selecting and drafting a trust to avoid common mistakes. Learn how to choose the most beneficial vehicle for preserving your client's wealth: understand the purpose behind the various types of trusts. Save money on taxes with effective use of trusts. Determine whether a client qualifies as a beneficiary of a special needs trust. Don't reinvent the wheel - modify our sample trust documents and use our drafting tips to create airtight trusts.
Recorded February 05, 2025.OnDemand5 hours 54 minutes - Best SellerTrue Crime4.7
Crimes of the Century CLE: Alex Murdaugh
The story of the Alex Murdaugh Murder Trial is a story of disregard for attorney ethics and murder. And yes, the two are related. From small town USA, the Murdaugh family controlled Hampton County law for almost 100 years. Corners were cut, misdeeds ignored. Could this include murder? A jury, after hearing about Alex Murdaugh's ethical violations and the facts surrounding the murder of his wife and son, convicted him of first degree murder in less than 3 hours. This amazing story that grabbed America's attention like no other since People v. OJ is a cautionary tale about the dangerous lures of power, greed, and addiction in the practice of law. Review the Murdaugh murder through the lens of legal ethics - register today! This program is being designed in conjunction with attorney Joel Oster, Comedian of Law and True Crime Podcaster.
Recorded December 17, 2024.OnDemand3 hours 6 minutes - Best SellerTrusts
Estate Planning With IRAs After the Final Rules (With Case Studies)
Final IRA regulations are out, and it's crucial to understand the latest changes and their impact on retirement assets in the context of estate plans. This legal guide offers a cogent review of the final rules and actionable strategies in the form of common scenarios, case studies, and sample trust language. Whether addressing beneficiary designations, mitigating creditor claims, or planning for the likely tax consequences, you'll get knowledge you can use right away. Register today! Analyze the latest rules, IRS guidance, and case law shaping IRA planning. Gain clarity on current contribution limits and Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) rules for effective planning. Recognize common pitfalls in beneficiary designations and understand how the latest regulations will affect your future decision-making. Explore innovative planning options and prioritize your approach when dealing with inherited IRAs.
Recorded March 03, 2025.OnDemand6 hours 4 minutes - Best SellerEthics & Specialty Credits4.4
The Attorney's Guide to Setting Boundaries and Achieving a Work-Life Balance
Say “Goodbye” to chronic stress and job dissatisfaction, and “Hello” to enhanced mental health and productivity! In this insightful course, our experienced attorney faculty walk you through the fundamentals of setting boundaries and finding a work-life balance in the legal profession. Find out how to set realistic deadlines, demonstrate best practices in communicating boundaries, and hear real-world tips for identifying your support network. Register today! Get a quick refresher on the warning signs of burnout and mental health issues. Identify best practices for setting boundaries. Discover useful tips for managing stress in legal practice.
Recorded December 04, 2024.OnDemand 58 minutes - Best SellerGenerative AI
Legal Ethics and AI: 2025 Updates and Current Issues
In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) technology is reshaping legal practice, staying informed is not just beneficial - it's essential. Join our faculty for a timely exploration of the latest ethical issues and guidance regarding AI applications in law. Don't fall behind on your ethical obligations by getting too far ahead with AI: protect your clients and your reputation with responsible legal AI use. Register today! Review the latest cases and guidance shaping AI ethics in law. Prevent competency violations by understanding what AI is and what it can and cannot do. Explore best practices for protecting client data when using AI tools. Anticipate when and how you must disclose AI usage to clients and courts. *Any mention of specific products in this program is intended as part of a general overview and does not constitute NBI's endorsement or recommendation of any specific product or provider. This program is not sponsored by any technology or electronics provider.
Recorded March 06, 2025.OnDemand2 hours 57 minutes - Best SellerGenerative AI
Harnessing AI in Legal Practice: 2025 Edition
What if you could streamline your workflow and save time on day-to-day legal tasks? This CLE program shows you how to do just that! Join our experienced practitioners as they walk you through the dos and don'ts of using artificial intelligence (AI) in the law firm. From insights into the latest AI tools attorneys are using to techniques for prompt writing, build your knowledge - register today! Enhance your understanding of how AI works and discover its use cases for lawyers. Stay informed of the latest AI tools that attorneys are using. Examine legal best practices for prompt writing. Find out how to use AI for predictive analytics, e-discovery, and more. *Any mention of specific products in this program is intended as part of a general overview and does not constitute NBI's endorsement or recommendation of any specific product or provider. This program is not sponsored by any technology or electronics provider.
Live Online + OnDemandMar 27, 5:00 PM - Contract Law
Drafting Crystal Clear Contracts
Even if a less than clear agreement holds up in court, you probably have better things to do than parse words with clients, co-counsel or adversaries. Join our distinguished faculty as they share their top structural and stylistic tips for drafting better contracts. Identify phrases that can mar any agreement and explore risk-shifting and negotiating strategies for commercial contracts. Don't miss this exciting opportunity to improve your writing skills - register today! Get structural techniques for framing airtight agreements. Discover wording and linguistic mistakes to deftly avoid. Learn how to shift risk in terms that anyone can understand.
Recorded March 11, 2025.OnDemand 58 minutes - Best SellerEthics & Specialty Credits
2025 Ethical Survival Guide
From data breaches in the law firm to overlooked conflicts of interest, several ethical emergencies pop up in legal practice on a regular basis. In this engaging program, our experienced faculty delve into can't-miss ethics opinions from the past year, recent developments in legal tech, and legal hazards and common attorney mistakes made in 2024. Equip yourself with the tools you need to handle whatever obstacle gets thrown your way in 2025 - register today! Stay informed of emerging ethics opinions and rules. Develop strategies for handling common ethical dilemmas facing lawyers today. Discover the top mistakes made by attorneys in 2024. Get up to speed on new tech tools in the legal profession. Uncover practical guidance for preventing and responding to complaints.
Recorded February 10, 2025.OnDemand3 hours - Best SellerLabor & Employment
Employment Law 2025
Whether you're new to labor and employment law, or you just need a refresher, this program is chock-full of information to get you up to speed on the latest updates! Stay posted on labor law changes, examine guidelines for interviewing job applicants, develop strategies for managing FMLA- and ADA-related leave, and much more. Build your skills - register today! Stay informed of the latest guidance from the NLRB. Discover the legal essentials of hiring and terminating employees. Analyze the interactions between the ADA, the FMLA, and workers' compensation laws. Keep up to date on recent FLSA developments. Uncover practical guidance for addressing sexual harassment claims.
Live Online + OnDemandMar 19, 2:00 PM - Constitutional LawFastTrack
Executive Orders and the Legal Limits of Presidential Power
The executive branch has pushed the boundaries of its authority in recent years, triggering legal challenges and widespread debate. What are the true limits of presidential power? How have landmark court decisions influenced the balance of power between the branches of government and shaped future presidencies? Join our expert faculty for a look into the complexities of executive authority, key legal precedents, and the ongoing controversies surrounding presidential power. Register today! Review significant rulings that have shaped the scope of executive authority. Discover what executive orders can and cannot do. Evaluate when the executive branch has overreached.
Recorded January 27, 2025.OnDemand 57 minutes
Louisiana CLE Courses
Learn More About Louisiana CLE Courses
NBI provides a diverse catalog of Louisiana CLE courses across numerous legal practice areas and specialties. To help you get the most out of our courses, NBI offers several different formats to meet your learning needs and fit your schedule. NBI courses are taught by expert instructors with years of experience in their field. Our accreditation experts ensure that each and every Louisiana CLE course is pre-approved where possible and appropriately accredited pursuant to Louisiana CLE Requirements. You can count on NBI to provide you with the knowledge you need to provide top-notch legal representation. Your clients depend on you. You can depend on NBI.