Idaho CLE Requirements

Required Idaho CLE Credits

30.00 Total Credit Hours


3 Years

A minimum of 15.00 credit hours must be taken as live programs.

A maximum of 15.00 credit hours must be taken as self-study programs.

Idaho CLE Reporting Deadlines

Deadline to complete CLEs: December 31

Reporting deadline: February 1

Reporting period: 3 years

NBI reports your credit to the Idaho State Bar.


In Idaho, active status attorneys must complete 30.00 CLE credits (including 3.00 in Legal Ethics/Professional Responsibility) every 3 years to maintain good standing with the Idaho Bar.

Idaho attorneys must complete all 30.00 required credits by December 31 in their reporting year. Attorneys must report their credits by February 1 of the following year.

The compliance period is 3 years. Your first reporting period ends on December 31 of the third full year following your year of admission to the Idaho State Bar, and on December 31 of every third calendar year thereafter.

NBI reports your credit to the Idaho State Bar.

Idaho attorneys must report their CLEs by submitting a Certificate of Compliance to the Idaho State Bar at the end of each 3-year reporting period.

You can check your attendance reporting online at the Idaho State Bar website.

Experienced attorneys can fulfill their Idaho CLE requirement by completing courses approved and accredited by the Idaho State Bar. Examples of accepted course formats include:

Live CLE (Minimum 15.00 Hours)

OnDemand (Maximum 15.00 Hours)

No. CLE credits are only applied to the 3-year reporting period in which they are earned.

Attorneys in Idaho can earn a maximum of 15.00 CLE credits with self-study courses.

Upon completion of a self-study course, attorneys will request credit through their NBI account. NBI will verify completion and submit the attorney's credit to the Idaho State Bar.

No. In-program attendance verification is not required.

Yes. Attorneys may apply for a course not approved in Idaho. NBI will send the attendee the course documents containing all the information needed to apply.

Are you newly admitted to the Idaho State Bar? Here’s what you need to know:

Within 1 year of admission to the Idaho State Bar, new attorneys must complete at least 10.00 New Admittee Credit-Approved (NAC-Approved) CLE credits.

  • If the new attorney hasn’t practiced law for at least 3 years prior to admission, they must Complete the Idaho State Bar New Attorney Program (typically 4 credit hours). This counts towards the 10-hour new attorney requirement.
  • Of the 10 NAC-Approved credits, attorneys must complete four Idaho Substantive Law courses on ethics, civility and criminal procedure, and community property.

Your first reporting period ends on December 31 of the third full calendar year following your admission to the Idaho State Bar.

Yes. New attorneys must complete at least 10.00 NAC-Approved CLE credits. These credits count toward your 30.00 required CLE credits for your first reporting period. These credits must address Idaho law on ethics, civil and criminal procedure, and community property. The Board of Commissioners of the Idaho State Bar must approve and administer the Accredited Activities that satisfy the Idaho substantive law requirements of this rule.

An attorney who has actively practiced law for less than 3 years prior to admission to the Idaho State Bar must also complete the New Attorney Program, which consists of an introduction to practice, procedure and ethics.

  • These credits may count toward the 10.00 required NAC-Approved CLE credits.
  • The New Attorney Program is only held in Boise (in the spring and fall) on the morning of the admission ceremony for the bar examination applicants.

Any attorney who has actively practiced law for less than 3 years prior to admission to the Idaho State Bar must complete the New Attorney Program.