3.00 Ethics
North Dakota CLE Requirements
Required North Dakota CLE Credits
A minimum of 12.00 credit hours must be taken as live programs.
A maximum of 24.00 credit hours may be taken as self-study programs.
North Dakota CLE Reporting Deadlines
Reporting deadline: July 31
Reporting period: 3 Years
North Dakota
General North Dakota Continuing Legal Education Credit Requirements
How many CLE credits do you need in North Dakota, and what types of CLE credit do you need?
Active status attorneys in North Dakota must complete 36.00 CLE credits (including 3.00 ethics credits) every 3 years to maintain good standing with the North Dakota Bar.
When is the North Dakota CLE reporting deadline?
Attorneys in North Dakota must complete all 36.00 required credits by June 30 of their reporting year and report all credits by July 31 of their reporting year.
How long is the North Dakota CLE reporting period, and when does it end?
The reporting period is 3 years. Your reporting period begins on July 1 after admission to the North Dakota Bar and ends on June 30, 3 years later.
How do I report my North Dakota CLE credits?
North Dakota attorneys must report their credits on the Report of Compliance form either online at the State Bar Association of North Dakota website or by returning the form by mail (with a $50 fee).
How can Experienced North Dakota Attorneys fulfill the North Dakota CLE requirements in compliance with format of delivery regulations?
Experienced attorneys can fulfill their North Dakota CLE requirement by completing courses approved and accredited by the North Dakota Commission for Continuing Legal Education. Examples of accepted course formats include:
Live CLE (Minimum 12.00 Hours)
- Live CLE Webinar
- CLE classes in Live Traditional Classroom
Self-Study (Maximum 24.00 Hours)
How many North Dakota CLE credits can I carry over?
You may carry over 12.00 CLE credits to the next reporting period. You may not carry over ethics credits.
How many North Dakota CLE credits can I earn with self-study courses?
Attorneys in North Dakota can earn a maximum of 24.00 CLE credits with self-study courses. Ethics requirements may be met with self-study courses.
Is in-program attendance verification required to receive North Dakota CLE credit?
No. In-program attendance verification is not required.
What are the reporting groups for North Dakota?
North Dakota attorneys are placed into one of three compliance groups based on their admission date. Each group reports their CLE compliance in a different year. Visit the North Dakota State Bar's Continuing Legal Education Reporting Periods Page to determine your reporting group and deadline year.
Additional CLE resources for North Dakota attorneys
- State Contact Information:
- Address: North Dakota CLE Commission, 1661 Capitol Way, Suite 104LL, Bismarck, ND 58501
- Phone Number: (701) 255-1404; Toll Free: (800) 472-2685
- Email: info@sband.org
- Website: https://www.sband.org/
- North Dakota CLE Rules, FAQs, and Lawyer Assistance Program:
Are you newly admitted to the North Dakota Bar? Here’s what you need to know:
What are the North Dakota CLE requirements for newly admitted attorneys?
You have no special CLE requirements. If you are a newly admitted attorney in North Dakota, your CLE reporting period begins on July 1 following the date you were admitted to the North Dakota Bar.
Are you newly admitted to the North Dakota Bar? Here’s what you need to know:
Newly admitted attorneys can fulfill their North Dakota CLE requirement by completing courses approved and accredited by the North Dakota Commission for Continuing Legal Education. Examples of accepted course formats include:
Live CLE
- Live CLE Webinar
- CLE classes in Live Traditional Classroom
Can I carry over credits I completed during my first year of practice in North Dakota?
Yes. You may carry over CLE credits earned after August 1 of the year of your admission to the North Dakota Bar.
When does my first reporting period for North Dakota end?
Your first reporting period begins on July 1 following the date you were admitted to the North Dakota Bar. Your reporting period ends on June 30, 3 years later.
Are there any special credit requirements for new attorneys in North Dakota?
No. There are no special requirements for you as a new attorney in North Dakota.
Have more questions? Please Contact Us