Louisiana CLE Courses
- North Carolina CLE17
- Alabama CLE20
- Alaska CLE23
- Arizona CLE23
- Arkansas CLE23
- California CLE23
- Colorado CLE23
- Connecticut CLE23
- Delaware CLE22
- Florida CLE23
- Georgia CLE20
- Hawaii CLE23
- Idaho CLE23
- Illinois CLE23
- Indiana CLE23
- Iowa CLE22
- Kansas CLE23
- Kentucky CLE22
- Louisiana CLE23
- Maine CLE23
- Minnesota CLE23
- Mississippi CLE23
- Missouri CLE23
- Montana CLE23
- Nebraska CLE23
- Nevada CLE23
- New Hampshire CLE23
- New Jersey CLE23
- New Mexico CLE23
- New York CLE23
- North Dakota CLE23
- Northern Mariana Islands CLE23
- Ohio CLE19
- Oklahoma CLE23
- Oregon CLE22
- Pennsylvania CLE23
- Rhode Island CLE23
- South Carolina CLE19
- Tennessee CLE23
- Texas CLE23
- Utah CLE19
- Vermont CLE23
- Virginia CLE22
- Washington CLE23
- West Virginia CLE23
- Wisconsin CLE23
- Wyoming CLE23
- North Carolina Continuing Paralegal Education5
- California MCLE Paralegal4
- Delaware Certified Paralegal Program4
- Florida Registered Paralegal4
- Indiana Paralegal CLE4
- Montana CLE Credit for Paralegals4
- New Mexico Paralegal Division, State Bar of4
- Ohio Certified Paralegals4
- Texas State Bar of Paralegal Division4
- Best SellerTrusts
Medicaid and Estate Planning: A Balancing Act
Qualifying for Medicaid nursing home coverage can impede traditional estate planning tactics. This legal course will give you the tools to reconcile the two plans to work in concert instead of against each other. Revise your trust drafting and intravisos transfer approaches, get an update on the latest rules and limitations shaping estate plans, and hear hard-won real-life lessons from seasoned practitioners. Help your clients at every stage of their lives - register today! Get an update on the rules of Medicaid and the latest tax changes. Make the best use of POAs and guardianships to protect the rights of the elderly. Improve drafting with a review of sample trust provisions. Develop a concrete plan for estate administration and Medicaid recovery.
Coming Soon! OnDemand recording will be available on March 28, 2025.OnDemand6 hours - Best SellerTrusts
Estate Planning With IRAs After the Final Rules (With Case Studies)
Final IRA regulations are out, and it's crucial to understand the latest changes and their impact on retirement assets in the context of estate plans. This legal guide offers a cogent review of the final rules and actionable strategies in the form of common scenarios, case studies, and sample trust language. Whether addressing beneficiary designations, mitigating creditor claims, or planning for the likely tax consequences, you'll get knowledge you can use right away. Register today! Analyze the latest rules, IRS guidance, and case law shaping IRA planning. Gain clarity on current contribution limits and Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) rules for effective planning. Recognize common pitfalls in beneficiary designations and understand how the latest regulations will affect your future decision-making. Explore innovative planning options and prioritize your approach when dealing with inherited IRAs.
Recorded March 03, 2025.OnDemand6 hours 4 minutes - Best SellerTrusts
Wrapping Up Estate Administration 101: Final Accounting, Tax, Distributions, and More
Work on the final accounting begins at the first steps of the estate administration and continues until it wraps up all the hard work. Every cent of estate assets, every receipt, expense, and payout must be recorded and balanced before the personal representative is discharged. Are you confident you're not misrepresenting or leaving anything out? This essential overview will walk you through the key steps of structuring, completing, and balancing the final accounting. Identify key mistakes and pain points and come away with helpful troubleshooting examples. Register today! Optimize your estate inventory practices to build a solid foundation for the final account. Properly handle and record distributions. Identify what needs to be filed and when. Walk through the final accounting report and spot problems that may cause it not to balance. Identify top mistakes that can derail the estate closing.
Recorded March 11, 2025.OnDemand5 hours 54 minutes - Trusts4.47
Drafting Essential Estate Planning Documents
This comprehensive legal instruction offers essential knowledge and resources to draft key documents used to plan for clients' trusts and estates. Establish heirs and plan distributions, choose and prepare fiduciaries, outline medical decisions, and more. With experienced attorney faculty sharing their top approaches and sample documents, you'll save time drafting and advise clients on the wisest course of action for every unique situation. Register today! Get sample language for wills, trusts, beneficiary designations, and more. Understand when specific provisions and documents are used for best results. Learn to draft to prevent unintended consequences. Help clients make the tough end-of-life and organ donation decisions and communicate them clearly and properly. Guard your professional reputation with a specialized legal ethics guide.
Recorded November 22, 2024.OnDemand5 hours 52 minutes - Trusts4.11
Probate Process From Start to Finish
This practical guide is designed to provide you with detailed knowledge of probate processes and best practices for handling the various issues that may arise. Let our seasoned probate attorneys teach you how to navigate those crucial first steps; handle the personal executive; gather, value and distribute all assets; and successfully complete the final accounting. You will also learn how to anticipate tax pitfalls and handle special issues that may arise. Arm yourself with the foundational knowledge and best practices you need to ensure a smooth administration from start to finish. Register today! Start the case off on the right foot by confidently navigating critical first steps. Advise personal representatives by examining all powers, duties, responsibilities, and compensation guidelines. Gather, value and maintain all assets - and learn when and how to employ a financial expert. Pick up tips for validating, prioritizing, and satisfying creditor claims. Get practical guidance for post-mortem planning, trust administration, and tax hurdles. Discover how to litigate deed contests, lost or contested wills, fiduciary misconduct, and more. Put the decedent's affairs to rest by making distributions, filing the final tax return, and completing the final accounting.
Recorded December 10, 2024.OnDemand5 hours 52 minutes
Louisiana CLE Courses
Learn More About Louisiana CLE Courses
NBI provides a diverse catalog of Louisiana CLE courses across numerous legal practice areas and specialties. To help you get the most out of our courses, NBI offers several different formats to meet your learning needs and fit your schedule. NBI courses are taught by expert instructors with years of experience in their field. Our accreditation experts ensure that each and every Louisiana CLE course is pre-approved where possible and appropriately accredited pursuant to Louisiana CLE Requirements. You can count on NBI to provide you with the knowledge you need to provide top-notch legal representation. Your clients depend on you. You can depend on NBI.