Local Government Law CLE Courses
NBI offers a complete library of Local Government Law CLE courses addressing key legal issues, developments, and leading practices for attorneys in all stages of their practice.
- Constitutional LawFastTrack
Executive Orders and the Legal Limits of Presidential Power
The executive branch has pushed the boundaries of its authority in recent years, triggering legal challenges and widespread debate. What are the true limits of presidential power? How have landmark court decisions influenced the balance of power between the branches of government and shaped future presidencies? Join our expert faculty for a look into the complexities of executive authority, key legal precedents, and the ongoing controversies surrounding presidential power. Register today! Review significant rulings that have shaped the scope of executive authority. Discover what executive orders can and cannot do. Evaluate when the executive branch has overreached.
Recorded January 27, 2025.OnDemand 57 minutes - Generative AIFastTrack
AI Meets Trump: Navigating Trump-Era AI Policies in 2025
The Trump administration is expected to have a substantial impact on artificial intelligence (AI)-related legal issues. Are you up to speed on his proposed policies? In this timely program, our esteemed faculty provide you with insights into the Trump administration's views on AI, as well as tactics for preparing to adapt to new regulations. Stay ahead of the curve - register today! Take a pulse on the Trump administration's views on AI. Explore the potential effects of Trump's focus on AI innovation vs. predecessors' focus on bias concerns. Formulate practical strategies for navigating Trump-era policies on AI. *Any mention of specific products in this program is intended as part of a general overview and does not constitute NBI's endorsement or recommendation of any specific product or provider. This program is not sponsored by any technology or electronics provider.
Recorded February 11, 2025.OnDemand 58 minutes - Labor & EmploymentFastTrack
DEI Outlook for 2025: Employer Best Practices, Legal Risks, and More
At the close of January 2025, the Trump administration issued two executive orders and a presidential action addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies. While the EOs primarily target the public sector, the private sector is expected to feel ripple effects. In this course, our distinguished faculty dissect the new EOs and offer best practices for ensuring existing DEI programs comply with the latest laws. You can't afford to miss this critical legal update - register today! Catch up on the Trump administration's recent executive orders. Analyze the potential effects of the EOs on the private sector. Uncover essential guidelines for reviewing and updating DEI policies.
Live Online + OnDemandMar 17, 5:00 PM - ImmigrationFastTrack
ICE Compliance for Schools, Businesses, and Local Governments
Ensure legal compliance, prevent mistakes, and protect the rights of all residents with this urgent legal update. Experienced immigration compliance attorneys will help you bring clarity to your clients in a rapidly changing situation. Register today! Clarify the obligations and limits of local government cooperation with ICE operations. Help businesses and schools prepare for ICE visits to comply and mitigate risks. Outline post-visit legal remedies for addressing mistakes.
Recorded February 28, 2025.OnDemand1 hour - Local Government Law
Advanced Land Use and Zoning Disputes With Local Governments
Land use and zoning law is becoming increasingly complex. Are you up to date on new regulations affecting your practice? Join our seasoned faculty in this engaging and strategic program for expert insights on digital sign and billboard regulation, current land use challenges created by recent technologies, and much more. Hone your skills - register today! Take a pulse on the latest legislative updates and case law developments. Explore advanced issues related to variances. Overcome hurdles in zoning ordinance litigation. Gain tips for resolving complex eminent domain issues. Develop sophisticated strategies for drafting development agreements.
Recorded February 27, 2025.OnDemand5 hours 58 minutes - Local Government Law
Helping Clients Draft RFPs
Requests for proposals (RFPs) are a critical way for governments and private businesses to announce their projects and hire the right contractors. This short guide will give you specific guidance for improving outcomes and attracting the best candidates who'll help bring projects to life. Improve your approaches - register today! Determine how much and what kind of background information to include. Outline the statement of work clearly. Set critical timeline and deliverable parameters.
Live Online + OnDemandMar 12, 7:00 PM - Best SellerReal Estate
Land Use and Zoning Issues 2025
Explore hot-button land use issues and regulatory updates affecting today's legal landscape! Our seasoned faculty will cover some of the year's biggest land use topics with valuable insights and practical knowledge. Get the latest on novel and recurring issues that will cross your desk in 2025 and beyond - register today! Explore evolving regulations and enforcement measures for short-term rental platforms. Review changes impacting public meetings, hearings, and record-keeping. Navigate permitting and land use approaches for EV infrastructure. Analyze the legal landscape for siting renewable energy installations. Reveal environmental law updates that will have an impact on land development. Examine current issues and disputes in land acquisition and valuation. This program was designed in conjunction with NBI's esteemed 2023-2025 Content Advisory Committee Member Kimberly Jackson.
Recorded February 06, 2025.OnDemand5 hours 52 minutes - Criminal Law
Search and Seizure Law 2024
New cases, evolving judicial perspectives, new technologies - search and seizure law is constantly changing. Get the latest updates so you can provide your clients with up-to-the-minute guidance! This guide will explore recent case law and hot-button issues so you can stay ahead of the curve. Update your knowledge and advocacy skills - register today! Get up to speed with the cases that are shaping search and seizure law right now. Explore hot-button issues surrounding warrantless searches and seizures. Discover what's new in electronic data searches.
Recorded August 23, 2024.OnDemand 58 minutes - Local Government LawFastTrack
Property Damage by Police: The Takings Clause is Dividing Appeals Courts (Baker v. McKinney)
The Baker case has brought up contentious issues involved in property takings by police. What are the key points of contention, and how to comply? This course will examine the legal complexities surrounding property damage caused by law enforcement in the execution of their duties, with a focus on the recent case of Baker v. McKinney. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment, its application in emergency policing situations, and the ongoing debate regarding compensation for property owners. Register today! Analyze the facts and legal arguments in Baker v. McKinney. Discuss the differing interpretations of "public use" and "necessity" in the context of police actions. Evaluate the potential impact of Baker on future cases involving property damage by police. Identify best practices to minimize property damage and ensure accountability.
Live Online + OnDemandMar 10, 5:00 PM - Constitutional Law4.67
Police Liability: Legal Rights, Responsibilities, and Risks
Rising case numbers, straining police budgets, and building public pressure make police liability particularly challenging today. This practical legal guide addresses key areas of liability, current case trends, risk mitigation strategies, and claim tactics presented by experienced attorney faculty. Prepare to navigate complex situations with knowledge and grace. Register today! Clarify the sources and evolving boundaries of qualified immunity. Hear how "excessive force" is defined in the latest court rulings. Zero in on citizen rights and top risks in common law enforcement interactions. Build stronger cases with hard-won advice from seasoned attorneys. Discuss bodycam usage in risk mitigation and claims.
Recorded December 17, 2024.OnDemand5 hours 52 minutes - Firearms Law
Concealed Carry Law 2024
With new case law, social, and legislative developments, firearms and concealed-carry laws are in a state of flux. This program will bring you up to speed with the changes you need to know to give your clients up-to-the-minute legal advice. From CCW permits and transporting weapons to police interactions and self-defense, our faculty will show you how to navigate hot-button gun legal issues with confidence. Register today! Explore the latest gun control initiatives at the federal level. Find out how courts are weighing in on hot-button gun rights and gun control matters. Walk through current and proposed requirements for background checks and permits. Detangle the legal rights of gun owners' concealed carry permits across state lines. Understand the law surrounding the return and disposition of confiscated firearms.
Recorded December 05, 2024.OnDemand5 hours 58 minutes - Real Estate4.44
Land Use Application Boot Camp: Conditional Use Permits, Variances, Subdivisions, and More
Ownership of land does not mean complete control. Property owners wishing to develop need to deal with some level of red tape before even thinking about breaking ground. This "back-to-basics" program will teach you all the essentials you need to know about conducting due diligence, communicating with government staff and agencies, preparing applications, and securing approvals for your clients' projects. Don't let your clients' development dreams languish at the planning stage - register today! Conduct thorough land use diligence to identify issues and approvals that need to be sought. Pick up tips for working with local government staff and officials to help expedite the approval process. Learn how to request variances, conditional use permits, and rezoning when permitted uses don't match up with clients' visions. Discover how to subdivide and how to recombine land. Find out what land use lawyers need to know about road and easement law. Explore basic water and environmental concerns that can create roadblocks or hiccups in development. Navigate the appeals process when land use applications are unfairly denied. This program was designed in conjunction with NBI's esteemed 2023-2024 Content Advisory Committee Member Kimberly Jackson.
Recorded November 18, 2024.OnDemand5 hours 52 minutes - Local Government Law4.17
Municipal Law From Start to Finish
Learn how to conduct open meetings, maintain and respond to public record requests, better understand Section 1983 claims and government liability, handle zoning ordinance violations, and so much more! In this comprehensive course, experienced faculty will go over these key elements of municipal law and give you the tools you need to be able to confidently assist your clients. Register today! Confidently conduct open meetings, craft meeting minutes, and make meeting materials available to the public. Learn how to file, process, and respond to record requests. Prepare bids and requests for proposal. Prove/disprove key Section 1983 claim elements. Properly handle zoning ordinance violations. Learn how to investigate misconduct allegations.
Recorded November 07, 2024.OnDemand5 hours 52 minutes - Labor & EmploymentFastTrack
Legal Watch: Employment Law Policies and Priorities Post-2024 Election
How will a second Trump administration shape the EEOC, DOL, and other key agencies and employment policies? Join our faculty as they dissect campaign promises and past actions in order to forecast how employment and labor law will shift in the coming years. Stay one step ahead of potential policy changes - register today! Gain insight into how the DOL, EEOC, and DOJ will shift under the Trump administration. Review Obama-era and Biden administration policies that may be on the chopping block. Explore what changes could be in store for worker classification and overtime rules.
Recorded December 06, 2024.OnDemand 58 minutes - Real Estate4.17
Airbnb and Vrbo: Hot-Button Legal Issues
Get answers to the problems that local governments, hosts, and others are grappling with right now! You will learn the latest ordinances and enforcement strategies. Explore landlords' legal concerns. Understand what's actually covered under different insurance policies. Keep your knowledge up to date - register today! Receive a refresher on core legal and tax issues surrounding the short-term rental industry. Find out how various local governments are approaching regulation and enforcement challenges. Discover what the host guarantee, host protection insurance, and other policies do and do not cover. Dig into key provisions and language of short-term lease agreements.
Recorded November 18, 2024.OnDemand5 hours 55 minutes