Tennessee CLE Courses
- Florida CLE23
- Alabama CLE13
- Alaska CLE23
- Arizona CLE23
- Arkansas CLE23
- California CLE23
- Colorado CLE22
- Connecticut CLE23
- Delaware CLE23
- Georgia CLE14
- Hawaii CLE22
- Idaho CLE23
- Illinois CLE22
- Indiana CLE22
- Iowa CLE21
- Kansas CLE23
- Kentucky CLE19
- Louisiana CLE23
- Maine CLE23
- Minnesota CLE23
- Mississippi CLE23
- Missouri CLE23
- Montana CLE23
- Nebraska CLE23
- Nevada CLE23
- New Hampshire CLE22
- New Jersey CLE21
- New Mexico CLE23
- New York CLE23
- North Carolina CLE10
- North Dakota CLE23
- Northern Mariana Islands CLE23
- Ohio CLE12
- Oklahoma CLE23
- Oregon CLE22
- Pennsylvania CLE23
- Rhode Island CLE20
- South Carolina CLE13
- Tennessee CLE24
- Texas CLE20
- Utah CLE13
- Vermont CLE23
- Virginia CLE17
- Washington CLE23
- West Virginia CLE23
- Wisconsin CLE23
- Wyoming CLE22
- NFPA23
- California MCLE Paralegal18
- Delaware Certified Paralegal Program18
- Florida Registered Paralegal18
- Indiana Paralegal CLE18
- Montana CLE Credit for Paralegals21
- New Mexico Paralegal Division, State Bar of19
- North Carolina Continuing Paralegal Education20
- Ohio Certified Paralegals18
- Texas State Bar of Paralegal Division18
- True Crime
Crimes of the Century CLE: Leopold and Loeb
Two wealthy students sought to commit the perfect crime. They kidnapped and murdered 14 year-old Bobby Franks in Chicago, Illinois, just to prove they could get away with it. Newspapers called it "the crime of the century." The two teenagers were called "boy geniuses." The problem with the perfect nature of this crime and the label of "genius" is that the case started to unfold when it was discovered that Leopold dropped his glasses where the body was dumped. Arguing the case for the defendants was the legendary Clarence Darrow. His task was Herculean - how could he defend such a heinous act by such pompous defendants? In an effort that truly represents the professionalism of the legal profession, he successfully defended his clients in a masterful performance. This class will remind us what it truly means to be an attorney. Register today! This program is being designed in conjunction with attorney Joel Oster, Comedian of Law and True Crime Podcaster.
Recorded February 18, 2025.OnDemand1 hour 58 minutes - Best SellerPersonal Injury & Negligence
Personal Injury Litigation: All the Forms and Checklists in One Place
Why start from scratch? This practical program comes chock-full of checklists and forms to help you confidently navigate a personal injury case from a-z. Stay on top of tasks and to-do lists, leave no stones unturned, and get sample forms you can modify for your own use. Don't miss out - register today! Rethink your checklists and learn how to get more out of them. Get off on the right foot: use checklists and forms to ensure a thorough and effective intake. Learn the critical dos and don'ts of pleadings. Refine your motion practice skills and use examples to help guide your drafting. Use checklists and pointers to make the most of all the discovery tools available to you. Know what you should be doing in those critical 6 months leading up to trial. Maintain your confidence and control in the courtroom with handy checklists and tips. This program was designed in conjunction with NBI's esteemed 2023-2024 Content Advisory Committee Member Robert Kasieta.
Recorded January 14, 2025.OnDemand5 hours 54 minutes - Best SellerFamily Law
The Rookie's Roadmap to Family Law
Build a solid foundation for a successful family law practice! This nuts-and-bolts program is designed to provide aspiring family law practitioners with the essential knowledge, skills, and sample forms to begin navigating divorce, custody, and other cases with confidence. Kickstart or refresh your family law career - register today! Learn how to craft effective and enforceable prenuptial agreements. Walk through the steps of divorce cases and learn the mechanics of asset division. Ensure that your clients receive - or provide - fair and adequate child or spousal support. Balance parental rights with the best interests of the child when working out custody and visitation arrangements. Get practical guidance for drafting and filing common family law motions. Prepare for family court appearances with checklists and tips from the experts.
Recorded December 27, 2024.OnDemand5 hours 55 minutes - Trusts4.47
Drafting Essential Estate Planning Documents
This comprehensive legal instruction offers essential knowledge and resources to draft key documents used to plan for clients' trusts and estates. Establish heirs and plan distributions, choose and prepare fiduciaries, outline medical decisions, and more. With experienced attorney faculty sharing their top approaches and sample documents, you'll save time drafting and advise clients on the wisest course of action for every unique situation. Register today! Get sample language for wills, trusts, beneficiary designations, and more. Understand when specific provisions and documents are used for best results. Learn to draft to prevent unintended consequences. Help clients make the tough end-of-life and organ donation decisions and communicate them clearly and properly. Guard your professional reputation with a specialized legal ethics guide.
Recorded November 22, 2024.OnDemand5 hours 52 minutes - Litigation & Appeals
The Civil Trial Playbook: 100+ Things I Wish I'd Known Sooner
Law school can only take you so far in preparing you for the realities of courtroom advocacy. In this program, join seasoned trial attorneys as they share surprising tips and hidden trial insights learned from years in the trenches. From jury selection to evidence, this course offers insider knowledge and practical advice that textbooks don't cover. Whether you're just starting out or dusting off your skills, you don't want to miss these 100+ real-world lessons - register today! Uncover 11 tips to adapt your strategy when your main audience is the judge and not a jury. Examine assumptions you should never make when it comes to how jurors think. Get 15 jury selection tips that will help you ask the right questions and strike the right jurors. Learn to avoid common rookie mistakes in evidence and objection handling. Pick up 17 direct and cross-examination strategies to steer witness testimony in the right direction. Hear 25 ways to make your opening statements and closing arguments unforgettable.
Recorded January 30, 2025.OnDemand5 hours 49 minutes - Criminal Law4.53
Criminal Litigation Procedure From Start to Finish
There is more than just money at stake in a criminal case: a defendant's freedom - or life - is in your hands. Do you have all the knowledge you'll need for effective representation? This fundamental legal program provides a practical analysis of criminal process and procedure that will prepare you to garner every piece of evidence and to employ every tool in the litigator's handbook for a favorable outcome. Get practice tips from seasoned faculty - register today! Find out how to communicate with the police to get the information you need quickly and efficiently. Prepare and effectively represent clients in the initial hearing and arraignment. Understand the opportunities and pitfalls of plea bargaining to strategically position yourself for the negotiations. Make the most out of motions by developing a strategy and knowing what to use when. Draw out bias during jury selection - and set the right stage for the trial. Learn how to navigate the post-trial landscape of a criminal case.
Recorded October 02, 2024.OnDemand5 hours 55 minutes - Trusts4.11
Probate Process From Start to Finish
This practical guide is designed to provide you with detailed knowledge of probate processes and best practices for handling the various issues that may arise. Let our seasoned probate attorneys teach you how to navigate those crucial first steps; handle the personal executive; gather, value and distribute all assets; and successfully complete the final accounting. You will also learn how to anticipate tax pitfalls and handle special issues that may arise. Arm yourself with the foundational knowledge and best practices you need to ensure a smooth administration from start to finish. Register today! Start the case off on the right foot by confidently navigating critical first steps. Advise personal representatives by examining all powers, duties, responsibilities, and compensation guidelines. Gather, value and maintain all assets - and learn when and how to employ a financial expert. Pick up tips for validating, prioritizing, and satisfying creditor claims. Get practical guidance for post-mortem planning, trust administration, and tax hurdles. Discover how to litigate deed contests, lost or contested wills, fiduciary misconduct, and more. Put the decedent's affairs to rest by making distributions, filing the final tax return, and completing the final accounting.
Recorded December 10, 2024.OnDemand5 hours 52 minutes - Best SellerBankruptcy
Residential Foreclosure Law 2025: Trends, Tactics, Alternatives, and Defenses
This comprehensive course equips you with the latest knowledge and practical skills to navigate the realities of residential foreclosures today. Our experienced faculty share their insights into emerging trends, legal updates, and the future outlook of the foreclosure landscape that will help both the lenders and the borrowers. No matter whether you're handling your first foreclosure case or are looking for a refresher, this course will have helpful takeaways for you. Register today! Stay current on legal and real estate market trends. Learn what to look for in loan documents to spot flaws and formulate defenses. Explore a range of current loss mitigation options. Navigate the key steps of both judicial and non-judicial foreclosure processes. Get tips for drafting key foreclosure documents, including foreclosure complaints and sale orders. Come away with clear ethical guidelines tailored to foreclosure practice.
Recorded January 29, 2025.OnDemand5 hours 52 minutes - Personal Injury & Negligence
Motor Vehicle Accident Cases Gone Wrong
There are innumerable ways auto injury cases can veer off the road. Do you know how to steer clear of the top pitfalls? In this program, our experienced faculty will explore the most common and most damaging mistakes you can make with auto injury claims and litigation. Gain new, heightened awareness that could save your next case - register today! Discover critical mistakes injury lawyers make when taking on new clients. Review common misconceptions and issues when pursuing an underinsured motorist claim. Reveal claim negotiation errors that could be causing you to leave money on the table. Explore key mistakes you must avoid during doctor depositions. Watch out for common pitfalls in lien resolution.
Recorded January 24, 2025.OnDemand6 hours - Best SellerInsurance Law4.45
Insurance Coverage and Bad Faith Litigation: Practical Insights and Forms for Beginners
New to the field or looking to dust off your skills? Join us for an in-depth, practical guide designed to provide you with essential knowledge and actionable tools to excel in insurance coverage and bad faith litigation. This comprehensive program combines expert insights with practical examples and sample forms to ensure you leave with a solid foundation and handy resources. Build your expertise - register today! Master the basics of how to interpret insurance policy language and identify ambiguities. Review insurers' duties, the claims handling process, and what can go wrong. Understand when insurer conduct amounts to bad faith. Reach for a successful and speedy resolution of insurance disputes with demand and negotiation tips. Anticipate common defenses insurers will raise in response to insurance coverage and bad faith claims. Get useful tips and forms for securing the discovery you're entitled to. Determine when and how to effectively use motions, such as the motion to bifurcate coverage and bad faith claims.
Recorded December 13, 2024.OnDemand5 hours 52 minutes - Workers' Compensation
The Complete Guide to Navigating Workers' Compensation Claims
From client intake to settlement negotiations or hearing prep, it's imperative that you treat each step of a workers' comp case with thoroughness and diligence. This workers' compensation legal guide walks you through critical concepts and offers practical tips for providing your clients with unmatched service. Gain innovative workers' compensation approaches from seasoned practitioners - register today! Come away with an enhanced understanding of core workers' compensation concepts. Review the different types of benefits that are available. Master the basics of Medicare liens and set asides. Discuss best practices for settlement and mediation. Determine how to prepare effectively for hearings. This program was designed in conjunction with NBI's esteemed 2023-2024 Content Advisory Committee Member Brad Kolling.
Recorded November 12, 2024.OnDemand5 hours 54 minutes - Real Estate4.44
Land Use Application Boot Camp: Conditional Use Permits, Variances, Subdivisions, and More
Ownership of land does not mean complete control. Property owners wishing to develop need to deal with some level of red tape before even thinking about breaking ground. This "back-to-basics" program will teach you all the essentials you need to know about conducting due diligence, communicating with government staff and agencies, preparing applications, and securing approvals for your clients' projects. Don't let your clients' development dreams languish at the planning stage - register today! Conduct thorough land use diligence to identify issues and approvals that need to be sought. Pick up tips for working with local government staff and officials to help expedite the approval process. Learn how to request variances, conditional use permits, and rezoning when permitted uses don't match up with clients' visions. Discover how to subdivide and how to recombine land. Find out what land use lawyers need to know about road and easement law. Explore basic water and environmental concerns that can create roadblocks or hiccups in development. Navigate the appeals process when land use applications are unfairly denied. This program was designed in conjunction with NBI's esteemed 2023-2024 Content Advisory Committee Member Kimberly Jackson.
Recorded November 18, 2024.OnDemand5 hours 52 minutes - Litigation & Appeals
Discovery Boot Camp
Guard against costly missteps in legal discovery that could jeopardize your case, or even your professional standing. Our seasoned faculty will guide you through key motions, strategic objections, and cutting-edge advancements in e-discovery. Explore discovery informed trial preparation techniques and learn how to leverage AI throughout the discovery process. Don't miss this opportunity to fortify your discovery skillset and maintain a competitive edge in the dynamic landscape of legal discovery. Enroll in Discovery Boot Camp today! Navigate motions and objections, addressing issues of relevance, privilege, and overbroad requests. Learn the art of deposition preparation, including the nuances of 30(b)(6) depositions. Deep dive into crafting ESI protocols, handling smartphone and social media evidence, and mastering data preservation techniques. Identify factors driving discovery expenses and consider cost-saving strategies. Explore how to streamline discovery by utilizing AI in your practice.
Recorded October 15, 2024.OnDemand5 hours 54 minutes - Trusts4.58
Wills vs. Trusts: The Ultimate Guide
Estate planning is a delicate balancing act of finding the right solutions to the clients' unique circumstances and (often conflicting) priorities. This essential wills and trusts guide walks you through the decision-making process and offers practical knowledge for drafting essential estate planning documents. Register today! Recognize when you should use a will and when a trust is a better option. Get the sample documents you need to draft airtight wills. Know when to use revocable vs. irrevocable trusts. Draft personalized trust forms and plan out distributions.
Recorded October 03, 2024.OnDemand5 hours 52 minutes - Bankruptcy4.33
Bankruptcy Litigation Essentials: When Bad Turns to Worse
Has financial distress landing your clients in bankruptcy court? Has the routine filing turned contentious? This introductory course equips you with the fundamental knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of bankruptcy litigation. Whether you represent debtors or creditors, this course will provide a solid foundation for your next case. Register today! Explore common disputes arising in Chapter 7, 11, and 13 bankruptcies. Utilize proper discovery techniques and motion practice in bankruptcy court. Demystify the unique procedures and evidentiary standards in bankruptcy litigation. Develop effective litigation strategies for representing debtors and creditors. Discuss how legal ethics rules apply to the realities of bankruptcy litigation cases. This program was designed in conjunction with NBI's esteemed 2023-2024 Content Advisory Committee Member Tara Salinas.
Recorded December 05, 2024.OnDemand5 hours 55 minutes
Tennessee CLE Courses
Learn More About Tennessee CLE Courses
NBI provides a diverse catalog of Tennessee CLE courses across numerous legal practice areas and specialties. To help you get the most out of our courses, NBI offers several different formats to meet your learning needs and fit your schedule. NBI courses are taught by expert instructors with years of experience in their field. Our accreditation experts ensure that each and every Tennessee CLE course is pre-approved where possible and appropriately accredited pursuant to Tennessee CLE Requirements. You can count on NBI to provide you with the knowledge you need to provide top-notch legal representation. Your clients depend on you. You can depend on NBI.