Constitutional Law CLE Courses

Constitutional Law CLE Courses

NBI offers a complete library of Constitutional Law CLE courses addressing key legal issues, developments, and leading practices for attorneys in all stages of their practice.

33 Courses
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  1. Executive Orders and the Legal Limits of Presidential Power
    Constitutional LawFastTrack

    Executive Orders and the Legal Limits of Presidential Power

    The executive branch has pushed the boundaries of its authority in recent years, triggering legal challenges and widespread debate. What are the true limits of presidential power? How have landmark court decisions influenced the balance of power between the branches of government and shaped future presidencies? Join our expert faculty for a look into the complexities of executive authority, key legal precedents, and the ongoing controversies surrounding presidential power. Register today! Review significant rulings that have shaped the scope of executive authority. Discover what executive orders can and cannot do. Evaluate when the executive branch has overreached.

    Recorded January 27, 2025.
  2. DEI Outlook for 2025: Employer Best Practices, Legal Risks, and More
    Labor & EmploymentFastTrack

    DEI Outlook for 2025: Employer Best Practices, Legal Risks, and More

    At the close of January 2025, the Trump administration issued two executive orders and a presidential action addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies. While the EOs primarily target the public sector, the private sector is expected to feel ripple effects. In this course, our distinguished faculty dissect the new EOs and offer best practices for ensuring existing DEI programs comply with the latest laws. You can't afford to miss this critical legal update - register today! Catch up on the Trump administration's recent executive orders. Analyze the potential effects of the EOs on the private sector. Uncover essential guidelines for reviewing and updating DEI policies.

    Live Online + OnDemandMar 17, 5:00 PM
  3. Foundations of Firearms Law
    Firearms Law

    Foundations of Firearms Law

    Are you up to date on the latest court decisions affecting firearms law? What are the top compliance traps that take attorneys by surprise? Do you feel confident in your ability to navigate a self-defense case? In this introductory program, our industry experts answer these questions and more as they equip you with a foundational knowledge of firearms law. Don't miss out - register today! Stay informed of critical firearms regulations. Review the purchasing requirements for Title 1 and Title 2 firearms. Hear new updates concerning background checks and mental health issues. Take a pulse on the latest trends and court decisions in firearms law. Break down the basics of concealed carry law.

    Live Online + OnDemandMar 24, 3:00 PM
  4. Search and Seizure Law 2024
    Criminal Law

    Search and Seizure Law 2024

    New cases, evolving judicial perspectives, new technologies - search and seizure law is constantly changing. Get the latest updates so you can provide your clients with up-to-the-minute guidance! This guide will explore recent case law and hot-button issues so you can stay ahead of the curve. Update your knowledge and advocacy skills - register today! Get up to speed with the cases that are shaping search and seizure law right now. Explore hot-button issues surrounding warrantless searches and seizures. Discover what's new in electronic data searches.

    Recorded August 23, 2024.
  5. Police Liability: Legal Rights, Responsibilities, and Risks
    Constitutional Law

    Police Liability: Legal Rights, Responsibilities, and Risks

    Rising case numbers, straining police budgets, and building public pressure make police liability particularly challenging today. This practical legal guide addresses key areas of liability, current case trends, risk mitigation strategies, and claim tactics presented by experienced attorney faculty. Prepare to navigate complex situations with knowledge and grace. Register today! Clarify the sources and evolving boundaries of qualified immunity. Hear how "excessive force" is defined in the latest court rulings. Zero in on citizen rights and top risks in common law enforcement interactions. Build stronger cases with hard-won advice from seasoned attorneys. Discuss bodycam usage in risk mitigation and claims.

    Recorded December 17, 2024.
  6. Chevron Overruled: The Legal Fallout of the Groundbreaking SCOTUS Decision
    Constitutional LawFastTrack

    Chevron Overruled: The Legal Fallout of the Groundbreaking SCOTUS Decision

    On June 28, 2024, SCOTUS issued an opinion in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo. The decision struck down the Chevron deference doctrine, under which courts deferred to agencies to interpret unclear and confusing laws. Are you ready to navigate the post-Chevron legal landscape? In this critical course, our faculty break down the Loper ruling and delve into its far-reaching legal repercussions. Do not pass up this opportunity to boost your knowledge- register today! Examine the history and evolution of the Chevron deference doctrine. Uncover the rationale behind the SCOTUS decision in Loper. Discuss the implications of the ruling and how it affects your practice.

    Recorded September 25, 2024.
  7. Concealed Carry Law 2024
    Firearms Law

    Concealed Carry Law 2024

    With new case law, social, and legislative developments, firearms and concealed-carry laws are in a state of flux. This program will bring you up to speed with the changes you need to know to give your clients up-to-the-minute legal advice. From CCW permits and transporting weapons to police interactions and self-defense, our faculty will show you how to navigate hot-button gun legal issues with confidence. Register today! Explore the latest gun control initiatives at the federal level. Find out how courts are weighing in on hot-button gun rights and gun control matters. Walk through current and proposed requirements for background checks and permits. Detangle the legal rights of gun owners' concealed carry permits across state lines. Understand the law surrounding the return and disposition of confiscated firearms.

    Recorded December 05, 2024.
  8. North Carolina Land Use and Zoning From Start to Finish
    NC SpecificReal Estate

    North Carolina Land Use and Zoning From Start to Finish

    Zoning and land use cases are diverse and numerous, and often completely unique to specific circumstances. This comprehensive online seminar will give you working knowledge of the regulatory framework and practical tips for approval processes. Speed up the progress and reach successful resolution to any issue that arises. Don't miss this chance to take your land use and zoning knowledge to the next level - register today! Confidently determine which authority is the decision-maker on each unique matter. Explore constitutional limitations on government zoning actions. Walk through the approval processes and get practical tips from experienced practitioners on ensuring compliance and speeding up the process. Master the essential steps of obtaining and retaining conditional use permits. Learn how to amend zoning ordinances and maps. Follow the zoning appeals process step-by-step and get specific advice for top zoning issues. Guard your professional reputation with a legal ethics guide tailored to your practice. Learn how short-term rentals are challenging long-standing zoning regulations and practices.

    Recorded July 25, 2023.
  9. Maine Firearms Law 2024
    Criminal LawME Specific

    Maine Firearms Law 2024

    With state and federal firearm laws in a flux, staying in the know is as important and challenging as ever. Are you giving clients accurate and up-to-the-minute legal advice? Join our seasoned faculty in this online seminar and dive into the firearms law hot topics and trends you need to know. From new case law to legislative updates, hot-button sale and transfer issues, self defense, and more, get the knowledge you need to keep (or get) clients out of trouble. Register today! Review the practical implications of recent firearms cases. Get caught up with federal, state, and local gun legislative changes. Find out how to ensure compliant firearms sales and transfers amid increased legal scrutiny. Stay up to speed with concealed-carry laws and issues surrounding police interactions. Learn how the laws surrounding self defense and deadly use of force are evolving.

    Recorded November 06, 2024.
  10. Police Liability 2023-2024
    Constitutional Law

    Police Liability 2023-2024

    Do you have all the knowledge you need to handle the police liability case from start to finish? Are you up to date on current federal law involving civil actions against police departments and officers? Join our experienced faculty for this practical program on addressing police misconduct and learn how to overcome any obstacle you may encounter with a police liability claim - register today! Get up to speed on the most common police liability issues like excessive force and wrongful arrest. Better understand the police investigation process and know what documents are available for discovery. Address police misconduct laws enforced by the Department of Justice. Identify the statutory immunities that are afforded to police officers. Effectively bring or defend against police liability claims with practical tips from seasoned attorneys.

    Recorded July 26, 2024.
  11. Supreme Court Recap Analysis (October Term 2023)
    Constitutional LawFastTrack

    Supreme Court Recap Analysis (October Term 2023)

    From voting maps to gun regulations, the Supreme Court's rulings in the October Term 2023 addressed a variety of noteworthy - and controversial - constitutional issues. Are you up to speed on the latest updates? In this timely program, our esteemed faculty provide you with a legal analysis of SCOTUS rulings from the past year. Don't pass up this opportunity to enhance your knowledge - register today! Examine the current composition of the Supreme Court. Explore the legal implications of SCOTUS rulings from the October Term 2023. Discuss SCOTUS predictions for the October Term 2024.

    Recorded July 16, 2024.
  12. Libel and Defamation 2023: New Rules, the Latest Case Law, and Hot-Button Issues
    Business & Securities LawFastTrack

    Libel and Defamation 2023: New Rules, the Latest Case Law, and Hot-Button Issues

    From the notorious Alex Jones cases to the scandal that was Depp v. Heard, numerous defamation claims made headlines over the past few years. What are the grounds for defamation of character, though? And what's the best way to proceed in a defamation case involving a public figure? In this fact-paced course, our expert faculty break down libel and defamation rules and updates, analyze recent court cases, and outline available defenses and best practices for filing a defamation claim. Register today! Review the essential elements of a defamation claim. Delve into famous defamation cases from the past year. Uncover practical guidance for navigating libel and defamation claims.

    Recorded August 17, 2023.
  13. Kentucky Land Use and Zoning From Start to Finish
    KY SpecificReal Estate

    Kentucky Land Use and Zoning From Start to Finish

    Zoning and land use cases are diverse and numerous, and often completely unique to specific circumstances. This comprehensive online seminar will give you working knowledge of the regulatory framework and practical tips for approval processes. Speed up the progress and reach successful resolution to any issue that arises. Don't miss this chance to take your land use and zoning knowledge to the next level - register today! Hear how the latest local zoning and land use decisions are re-shaping the practice and learn what you need to do to adapt. Confidently determine which authority is the decision-maker on each unique matter. Explore constitutional limitations on government zoning actions. Walk through the approval processes and get practical tips from experienced practitioners on ensuring compliance and speeding up the process. Master the essential steps of obtaining and retaining conditional use permits. Learn how to amend zoning ordinances and maps. Follow the zoning appeals process step-by-step and get specific advice for top zoning issues. Guard your professional reputation with a legal ethics guide tailored to your practice. Learn how short-term rentals are challenging long-standing zoning regulations and practices.

    Recorded February 27, 2025.
  14. Homeless Housing: Unpacking Key Laws and Legal Challenges
    Local Government Law

    Homeless Housing: Unpacking Key Laws and Legal Challenges

    Whether you're new to housing law and working with people experiencing homelessness, or you're hoping to get a quick rundown of the latest changes, this course is for you! Join our experienced attorney faculty as they delve into key policies and potential solutions to homelessness. Enhance your knowledge - register today! Take a pulse on emerging case law updates and legislative developments. Identify common legal issues surrounding emergency shelters. Overcome hurdles when implementing homeless housing initiatives.

    Recorded December 05, 2024.
  15. Anti-SLAPP Law Modernized - The Uniform Public Expression Protection Act
    Constitutional Law

    Anti-SLAPP Law Modernized - The Uniform Public Expression Protection Act

    Anti-SLAPP laws seek to protect the constitutional right of free speech from meritless lawsuits aimed at retaliation or harassment. This timely program explores the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act (UPEPA), which is quickly replacing older anti-SLAPP laws throughout the US and aims to cater to states without such laws. Presented by those involved with the UPEPA drafting committee, this course offers valuable insights into key provisions of the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act, how these provisions came about, and much more. Enhance your knowledge - register today! Gain insights into the purpose of the UPEPA and the need for uniformity. Review the scope of the UPEPA's protections. Analyze critical elements of the UPEPA, including burdens of proof, filing deadlines, and more.

    Recorded September 27, 2024.